The Summer University experience is an engaging combination of learning and enjoyment. Each summer, our courses are designed to give students an opportunity to explore their creativity, challenge their minds and build new friendships. From rising 1st graders to 12th graders, there are courses for every age!

The setting and subjects are academic, and the tone and atmosphere is lively and fun! Choose a summertime activity for your kids that fills their free time with hands-on learning opportunities, entertainment and camaraderie. Whatever the age, whatever the interest, there are SummerU classes that meet the needs of your kids.

Extended Care Camp is available until 6:00pm.  Campers will be provided with a healthy snack and several choices of activities to extend the fun of their camp day.

Note: When registering a child for a class, be certain that you use the child’s name and ID, not your own.

2017 SummerU Schedule

SummerU FAQs

SummerU Waiver Form

Behavior Management Guidelines

Summer University Webinar April, 2016