National College Access Network
In today’s economy, a college degree is in greater demand than ever before. Unfortunately, issues such as rising tuition costs and confusion about complex college admission and financial aid processes keep many qualified students from entering college. Many of those who do enroll face additional challenges finding the support and resources they need to graduate. These factors have left today’s young Americans less likely to obtain college degrees than members of their parents’ generation.
This trend is particularly troubling because the U.S. economy depends on more Americans getting more education. By 2025, there will be a shortage of 23 million college-educated adults in the U.S. workforce. The number of jobs requiring postsecondary education continues to increase while careers for workers with a high school diploma or less have plateaued.
The National College Access Network (NCAN) works to reverse this growing college opportunity gap. At NCAN, we unite the key organizations dedicated to increasing college access and success. With our members and partners, we develop and support programs and policy solutions that help more students enter and complete college and other postsecondary training.
All students, regardless of income, age, race, or ethnicity, deserve an equal opportunity for a college education. Underrepresented students often must navigate the college pathway without adequate financial resources, guidance, or a strong college-going culture in their high schools. NCAN works to overcome these barriers so students can gain the postsecondary credentials they need to embark on successful careers and build America’s future.