Who I Am: Vol III


ISBN: 978-1880463-87-1
Publication: 2023
5.25 x 7.25, 128 pages | $12.95


My Time Management & Study Skills Plan

Volume III of the Who I Am series guides students in using what they have learned about their personality type, intelligences, temperament, mindset, and grit to develop practical time management and study skills plans. Provides examples of the successful plans developed by other students. Each chapter ends with the affirmation, “What has become clearer to me.”

Explores how to use your understanding of your personality, temperament, mindset, and grit to develop practical approaches to time management and studying aligned with who you are. The book also includes narrative responses of middle school and high school students participating in our national college planning cohort program who provide examples of the pensive self-reflection of students as they expand their understanding of Who I Am within the context of becoming successful K – 12 students and competitive applicants for pursuing college or careers. 

As a former Director of Federal Programs for 27 years, and Deputy Superintendent of Turnaround Schools, I have first-hand experience with the unique challenges facing school districts who serve challenging populations. However, as a child of poverty, Mr. Wynn writes from a unique perspective—one of empowerment. He is a walking, talking, and living manifestation of the potential of all children, no matter where they live or where they attend school. While campuses are challenged with increasing student achievement and effectively serving students who are disadvantaged, marginalized and underserved across racial and socioeconomic backgrounds, Mr. Wynn has not only provided the tools to inspire, but is working day-by-day in the trenches inspiring students and opening pathways into some of the country’s most selective colleges and universities, on the strength of full scholarships, and without the lifelong burden of student loan debt. I have attended national and state conferences, where I listened with appreciation and attentiveness as Mychal Wynn defined his mission and vision to involve schools, students, parents, teachers, and communities to embrace a shared capacity building vision for our children. 

Andrew McGee, Ed.S.
Deputy Superintendent
Turn Around Schools
Author of A Champion Within: 
4 Essential Principles, A Guide for Male Students of Color

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