2017 AMET Scholarship Program

High School and Prior Winners

Program Description

The AMET Scholarship program is designed to assist college migrant students who are prior AMET winners and have a history of migration and have the potential and desire to obtain a college degree. Awards will be available in June for Summer enrollees and August for Fall enrollees, when student provides proof of enrollment (registration form) to the college or trade school.


Scholarship amounts are determined by the AMET Scholarship Committee on the basis of background in migrant farm work, financial need, and the academic potential of the youth.

Three (3) scholarships of $1,000 each will be awarded annually to college undergraduate students and twelve scholarships of $1,000 each will be awarded annually to entering freshmen. Scholarship funds are to be used to support the cost of higher education by covering unmet student financial and self-help aid.  Scholarships dispersed are not payment for students’ services. Scholarship recipients may reapply annually to be considered for an undergraduate award.

Eligibility Requirements

  • Be a prior AMET Winner. (Prior Winner Applicants)
  • Be currently enrolled in an accredited educational institution. (public or private college,technical or vocational school) (Prior Winner Applicants)
  • Be a graduating high school senior or junior. (early graduate) (High School Applicants)
  • Must have a current Certificate of Eligibility (COE) for the Migrant Education Program during the student’s final year of high school. (High School Applicants)
  • Must enroll in an accredited educational institution (public or private college, technical or vocational school) in the summer or fall semester following high school graduation. (High School Applicants)
  • Must have a GPA of 2.0 or higher on a 4.0 scale (All)

Required Documents – (Submit in this Order if Mailing in Paper Hard Copies!!!)

To be considered for an AMET scholarship, applicants must submit a complete application including all the required documents listed below annually postmarked by March 3rd.

  1. Completed application (If submitting in paper form it must be typed or handwritten neatly; no blanks)
  2. Scholarship Essay (Typed, one page only – see instructions here)
  3. ONE recommendation letter.
  4. Official or unofficial college. (prior winners) or high school transcript (high school applicants)
  5. Copy of most recent Migrant Education Program Certificate of Eligibility. (high school applicants)
  6. College acceptance letter if available. (high school applicants)

IMPORTANT: Please submit application and the supporting documents in this order ONLY. Applications with missing documents and/or documents NOT in the EXACT order will not be considered and will be disqualified.

Submit application and supporting documents online or mail to your AMET Regional Director.  Students are encouraged to apply online and submit supporting documents (essay, letter of recommendation, transcript, COE).

Application questions:  Wendy Branstine wireneb@hotmail.com or (806)290-3669.