National Health Service Corps Scholarship Program

NHSC Scholarship Program
Apply Now

Accepting applications through April 27, 7:30 p.m. ET

2017 Application and Program Guidance has the detailed information you need to apply. Please read carefully before you start your Scholarship Program application.

You can apply to the Scholarship Program if you are committed to primary care and accepted to or enrolled in an accredited U.S. school in one of the following primary care disciplines:

  • Physicians (MD or DO)
  • Dentists
  • Nurse Practitioners (post graduate degree with clinical practice focus)
  • Certified Nurse-Midwives
  • Physician Assistants

The scholarship pays tuition, fees, other educational costs, and provides a living stipend in return for a commitment to work at least 2 years at an NHSC-approved site in a medically underserved community.

The Scholarship Program accepts applications once each year. To learn more about how NHSC reviews applications and determines who receives a scholarship, please watch this short video. Applicants chosen to receive the scholarship are notified no later than September 30.





Western Union Foundation Scholarships

Western Union Foundation Scholarship Program

The Western Union Foundation Global Scholarship Program, also referred to as WU Scholars, is a program designed to support young people and their efforts to pursue a post-secondary education.

Selected scholarship recipients will receive USD $2,500 each to contribute toward tuition or school fees at an accredited post-secondary institution and will be selected based on criteria relating to the program’s three pillars: Perseverance, Aspiration, and Community.

The Institute of International Education, Inc. (IIE), a US private not-for-profit leader in the international exchange of people and ideas, administers the program on behalf of the Western Union Foundation and its contributors.

The WU Scholars program was created to help give young people a boost toward a better life. The Western Union Foundation believes education is the surest path to economic opportunity. Educational pursuits to gain knowledge and skills for in-demand, 21st century careers are helping people all over the world climb the economic ladder.

To us, a better education means better employment opportunities. And with better employment opportunities comes improved earning potential. As Western Union CEO Hikmet Ersek says, “Education is powerful. It is the key to change and one key to financial dignity for all.” That financial dignity is what drives a better life for individuals, families, and communities around the world.

Eligibility Requirements:

  • Scholarships must be used at an accredited post-secondary institution seeking an undergraduate degree.
  • All applicants must be pursuing a degree/field of study in one of the following categories: science, technology, engineering, mathematics, and business/entrepreneurship.
  • All applicants for scholarships must be between the ages of 18 – 26 years of age on June 1, 2017.
  • Application must be submitted in English. Translation services may be used to help non-English speakers submit. You will not be penalized for basic errors.
  • Must be able to demonstrate admittance to an accredited post-secondary institution or have applied for admittance.
  • Must provide a letter of recommendation from a teacher or professor. If a teacher or professor is unable to submit a recommendation on your behalf, you may also use someone who has supervised you in a youth/community group, volunteer position, job/employment situation, etc.
  • Scholarships must be used on programs resulting in an undergraduate degree. Specialized academic programs (study abroad term, stand-alone language acquisition course, service learning, etc.) are not permitted.
  • Scholarships may not be used for advanced degrees, such as Masters, PhD, JD, etc.
  • Scholarships may be used for tuition or school fees during the academic term immediately following scholarship winner selections (estimated in July). Funds cannot be used for room and board or for school supplies.
  • Immediate family members of controlling officers in Western Union, any of its affiliates and non-affiliated nonprofit entities, or its Agents are not eligible to participate in the scholarship program. All other employees and their family members who meet the other eligibility requirements may apply.


  • Application Opens: Wednesday, March 8, 2017
  • Application Closes: Wednesday, April 12, 2017 at 12:00pm EST
  • Selection & Notification to all Applicants: July 2016


Law Firm Scholarship: Corban Gunn, Attorney at Law


Corban Gunn, Attorney at Law, a personal injury lawyer located in Biloxi, Mississippi, is offering a twice-yearly $1,000 scholarship to students who are currently attending or plan to attend their first year of college or graduate school in the upcoming fall or spring semester. Corban Gunn believes that by helping students overcome the increased costs of attending college, our world can become a brighter place for today’s generation and all future generations.

The current open submission period is for Fall 2017.

Scholarship Details and Guidelines

  • Students can be attending or planning to attend any college or graduate school in the United States.
  • All applicants must be attending or plan on attending for their first year.
  • As proof of your first-year status, you will need to submit a digital copy of your acceptance letter—complete with the college letterhead—from that college.
  • The current scholarship will be rewarded for the semester starting in Fall 2017.
  • All applications for the current semester are due by August 1, 2017.

Essay Topic

To apply, you’ll need to submit a 500+ word essay on the following topic:

How can college students live safer lives?

Once the application period closes, Corban will determine a winner based on the following factors: feasibility, creativity, and the applicant’s level of knowledge in the topic as well as their ability to write a well-crafted essay. He isn’t necessarily looking for an “A”-grade essay from an English or law student, but rather an essay that explores the topic uniquely—one that perhaps encourages students to think about safe ways to enjoy the college lifestyle in a new way.

By submitting your essay to us, you agree that your essay may be featured on our blog. We will publish the winning essay as well as a couple of the top contenders. Published essays may appear with minor edits in place.

Application Instructions

To submit your application and essay, email us the completed essay, a digital copy of the acceptance letter from your college or graduate school verifying your first-year status, and some brief information about yourself with the email subject “Fall 2017 Scholarship Submission”.

In the body of your email please include your name, address, phone number, and the name of your current/planned school. Feel free to include a brief paragraph telling us about yourself and your career and college-related goals. The essay should be attached as either a .DOC, .DOCX, .PDF, or .RTF, or included in the body of the email.

Send all applications and questions to We look forward to reading your applications and essays!


Girls Who Code Summer Program

Apply Now!

The Summer Immersion Program is a FREE 7-week summer program for 10th-11th grade girls to learn computer science, get exposure to tech jobs and join a supportive sisterhood of thousands of girls across the US!

It is an introductory computer science course and no previous experience is required. We welcome all eligible applicants who have an interest in technology and a willingness to learn!

This application consists of one short answer question. Girls Who Code does not ask for your grades or any recommendations.

Application Locations & Dates:

**In order to participate in a Summer Immersion Program, you must be able to commit to attending the entire 7-week program. Our attendance policy allows for two absences.**

  • Atlanta, GA: June 5-July 21, 2017
  • Austin, TX: June 12-July 28, 2017
  • Boston, MA: July 10-August 25, 2017
  • Chicago, IL: June 26-August 11, 2017
  • Los Angeles, CA: June 19-August 4, 2017
  • Miami, FL: June 19-August 4, 2017
  • Newark, NJ: July 5-August 18, 2017
  • New York City, NY: July 5-August 18, 2017; July 10-August 25, 2017;
  • San Francisco Bay Area, CA: June 12-July 28, 2017; June 12-August 4, 2017; June 19-August 4, 2017; June 19-August 11, 2017, June 26th – August 11th
  • Seattle, WA: July 5-August 18, 2017; July 10-August 25, 2017
  • Stamford, CT: July 5-August 18, 2017
  • Washington DC: June 26-August 11, 2017

Watch these step-by-step videos for help completing your application:


Cobb Youth Leadership

Cobb Youth Leadership

The Leadership Cobb Alumni Association (LCAA) sponsors Cobb Youth Leadership (CYL), a leadership program for rising high school juniors that focuses on developing leadership skills through interactive participation. This program was created in 1989 to provide students a unique opportunity to learn about their community as well as meet and interact with students from other high schools.

Students attending public or private high schools or home-school students in Cobb County must complete and submit applications for CYL in the spring of their sophomore year. Applications are reviewed by the CYL Steering Committee and approximately 50 students are chosen for the class. Students participate in the program during their junior year of high school.

Applications Open!

Applications are now being accepted for the 2017-2018 class! Click here to complete the online form.

All applications must be submitted by Friday, April 14, 2017.

For more information about CYL, contact Katie Guice at 770-859-2334 or

Frequently Asked Questions About CYL

What are some of the activities of CYL?

Through approximately five evening programs during the course of the school year participants in the CYL program are introduced to local, state and national leaders. They also receive information on the responsibility, ethics and tools for effective leadership. The monthly programs run from August through April. Students also participate in two retreats where they focus on team building, personality inventories and additional leadership topics such as cultural diversity and community service.

When does CYL meet?

An orientation takes place in August along with a Fall Retreat in September. Following the retreat, evening programs are held monthly September through March. The year concludes with a spring retreat held in late March/early April.

What costs are associated with being a part of CYL?

Current tuition for selected students is $650.

Who is in charge of CYL?

CYL is governed by a steering committee comprised of Leadership Cobb Alumni and high school seniors as recent graduates of CYL.

How does someone learn more about CYL?

Contact the Leadership Cobb Alumni Association through the Cobb Chamber, or contact Katie Guice at 770-859-2334 or

How can someone provide assistance to CYL?

By serving on the CYL Steering Committee, providing financial assistance to a candidate who is unable to pay the tuition or by sponsoring a program for CYL


Cobb Youth Leadership Class of 2016 has had an outstanding year so far! The last seven months have been full of new friendships and opportunities to grow leadership skills. Listed below are some highlights from the program days and evenings.

  • Orientation – Located at Six Flags Over Georgia, the new class gathered together to meet for the first time, ride the roller coasters and kick the year off! They even dodged a few downpours in between rides.
  • Fall Retreat – The class went up to WinShape Wilderness for a weekend of team building on a ropes course, a massive kickball game, s’mores and bonding. They ended the retreat hearing from the ADDO Institute.
  • Myers Briggs Evening – Linda Beggs spent the evening reviewing the class’ personality test results, challenging them to celebrate their introverted or extroverted selves and seek to understand others better. They walked aware with a greater awareness of how they interact with their classmates and peers.
  • Public Safety Evening – The class braved the colder weather and got a small taste of what kind of training it takes to be in public safety. From simulations to K-9 demonstrations, the students really enjoyed this interactive night.
  • Media and Communications Evening – On this night, the students met at Chattahoochee Technical College and heard from communication experts. They learned the importance of a good introduction, the impact of their social media footprint and how to communicate effectively.
  • Government and Military Evening – Located at Dobbin Air Reserve Base, the class heard from our leaders at the base and Representative Bert Reeves – a CYL and LC grad and past CYL Chair. They toured the Security Forces Squadron and even got to try on some of their gear!
  • Community Service Evening – The class heard from two speakers in our community who are plugged into the needs of our county. They brought items to make toiletry bags to donate to these organizations. The class packed over 1,000 bags to give away. Amazing!
  • International Evening – Dressed representing their family heritage, the students learned some salsa dancing steps and heard from the Executive Director of Go Eat Give, Sucheta Rawal.
  • Health and Sports Evening – The class had the privilege of hearing from former UGA football star Rennie Curan, Braves representative Kelvin Scott and Sports Medicine expert Rob Riesing. They concluded the night with some football warm ups led by Rennie.
  • Spring Retreat – Held at Stone Mountain Park, the class gathered together one last time to conclude their year with some team building games and time spent together around the park. It was a wonderful weekend spent with new friends!


Emma L. Bowen Foundation Fellows

The Emma Bowen Fellows Program provides multi-year internships to students of color at media companies across the country. Each student works as a paid summer intern for each summer following their selection as an Emma Bowen Foundation Fellow through their college graduation, gaining significant on-the-job training in their field and making connections with colleagues and mentors that last a lifetime. Our fellows graduate with invaluable work experience and a head-start in whichever career they choose.

We work to educate and place our students in all areas of the industry, and focus on three programming tracks – Business (Sales, Public Relations, Marketing, Human Resources, etc.), Content (News Production, Broadcast Journalism, and Print Journalism), and Innovation (Engineering, Software Development, Digital Marketing, Coding, etc.).

You are eligible to apply for an EBF Summer Internship if you meet ALL of the following:

  • Are a student of color (Asian, American Indian/Alaskan Native, Black, Hawaiian/Pacific Islander, Hispanic/Latino, or Multi-Racial)

  • Are a high school senior OR an undergraduate college student (graduating Spring 2025 or later)

  • Plan to attend or are currently a student at a four-year accredited U.S. college or university (This includes students who will transfer to a four-year accredited U.S. college or university in Spring 2025 or Fall 2025.)

  • Have a cumulative grade point average of at least 3.0

  • Are interested in pursuing a career in media, entertainment, and tech

  • Are able to commit to a summer internship that will last a minimum of 8 continuous weeks and which could be longer as required by the company’s internship duration. The internship is full-time and students work from 35-40 hours per week as determined by the partner company. (Note: Internships generally start in May or June. The internship start and end dates are determined by the partner company.)

  • Are a U.S. citizen or U.S. permanent resident

  • Must be 18 years of age prior to the start of the internship

Those who have already graduated or will graduate before January 2025, please stay in touch with us by signing up for our ALL Multicultural Media Professionals “AMMP” Network here. The AMMP Network is open to experienced media, entertainment, and technology professionals of color at college graduate/entry-level, mid, senior, and executive levels.

Visit website:

Marietta Kiwanis Foundation Scholarships

Over the past years, our Club has established and contributed to several scholarship endowments in order to make annual scholarship awards to deserving college students in our community.

The following Marietta Kiwanis Foundation Scholarships are made possible through the generous financial gifts of individuals, businesses, and community residents throughout Cobb County.  Our scholarship program is also made possible through our Club’s Flag Project where over 1,600 flags are placed in front of businesses and residences throughout the community six times each year.  The Kiwanis Club of Marietta encourages all qualified individuals to apply for any of the scholarships described below.

All potential applicants should read the description and requirements for each scholarship carefully.  You may apply for any appropriate scholarship, but submit a separate application for each.

Applications for the Founders/Beck Scholarship at Kennesaw State University should be submitted directly through Kennesaw State University.  Information is available at

Applications for the Fred and Drucilla Beck Scholarship at Southern Polytechnic College of Engineering and Engineering Technology at Kennesaw State University should be submitted directly through Kennesaw State University at

For the other seven scholarships, please follow these directions.

  • Download the application (below) and save it to your computer, adding your name to the end of the file name.  Open the application file you have saved to your computer, enter your information, and save it again.  Then email OR print and mail as directed below.  If you prefer, you can print the application, complete manually, and mail as directed below.  The essay may be provided as a Word or PDF file, or you may submit a printed hard copy if you are mailing your application.  Please be sure to complete the entire application and keep a copy for your records.
  • Mail or email your application and essay to:
    • MAIL: Marietta Kiwanis Foundation, Inc.
      Attn:  Pat Huey / Scholarships (Name of Scholarship)
      P.O. Box 3191
      Marietta, GA 30061
      Subject line:  Scholarships (Name of Scholarship)
  • Deadline is March 15


A memorial scholarship fund established at Kennesaw State College in 1976, now Kennesaw State University, in honor of the five charter members of the Kiwanis Club of Marietta who were living at that time: Mr. Atherton, Mr. Anthley, Mr. Medford, Mr. Baskin, and Mr. Beck.  This scholarship is available to students with a high GPA on sophomore or higher level who are involved in community service as well as campus activities attending Kennesaw State University.  This scholarship also honors Fred and Drucilla Beck.  Fred was one of our founders and our club secretary for 40 years.  Drucilla was our first honorary female member.  The scholarship is available to a full-time undergraduate student attending Kennesaw State University.  Kennesaw State University handles the application and selection process.  Information and application procedures for this scholarship can be found at Scroll down to Fred & Drucilla Beck Kiwanis Scholarship – Kennesaw Campus for the application link.

The Fred & Drucilla Beck Kiwanis Scholarship at Southern Polytechnic College of Engineering and Engineering Technology at Kennesaw State University was established in 1986 to award a scholarship to an undergraduate full-time student majoring in a field of engineering with a minimum 3.0 GPA who is actively engaged in community service while pursuing a degree at KSU.  Student must show past involvement and be actively engaged in continuous service to their community of 30 hours or more per semester.  Strictly merit based.  Kennesaw State University handles the applications, selects the top 3 candidates, and the Kiwanis Scholarship Committee makes the final decision.  Information and application procedures for this scholarship can be found at Scroll down to Fred & Drucilla Beck Kiwanis Scholarship – Marietta Campus for the application link.

A memorial scholarship established in 1988 by Mr. and Mrs. James L. Howard in memory of their late mothers, Mary Miller Turner and Ellie Morris Howard.  This undergraduate scholarship is available to a student who is entering or attending Kennesaw State University, Southern Polytechnic College of Engineering and Engineering Technology at Kennesaw State University, or Chattahoochee Technical College, and who is either a staff member of the Cobb County School System or the Marietta City School System or who is a dependent of such a staff member.  Selection emphasis will be placed on academic achievement, character, and financial need.

A memorial scholarship established in 1993 by the Marietta Kiwanis Foundation.  This scholarship is available for any high school graduate or equivalent who is committed to pursuing vocational/technical education at Chattahoochee Technical College.  Selection emphasis will be placed on academic achievement and financial need.

A scholarship established in 1991 by the Marietta Kiwanis Foundation.  This scholarship is available to assist a teacher or student accepted into an accredited college/university in Georgia who wishes to specialize in the field of special education.  Selection emphasis will be placed on academic achievement, character, and financial need.

A scholarship established in 1997 by the Marietta Kiwanis Foundation.  This graduate or undergraduate scholarship is available to a student entering or attending Southern Polytechnic College of Engineering and Engineering Technology at Kennesaw State University, Chattahoochee Technical College, or Kennesaw State University, and who has been a member of a Kiwanis Key Club or Circle K for a year or more or who is a family member of a currently active Kiwanis Club of Marietta member.  Selection emphasis will be placed on academic achievement, character, and financial need.

A memorial scholarship established in 2001 by the Marietta Kiwanis Foundation in honor of the late Raymond Steve Tumlin, Sr., a dedicated Marietta Kiwanian, business, civic, and community leader in Cobb County.  This scholarship is available to a graduate or undergraduate student entering or attending an accredited college or university and who is currently a member of a Kiwanis Club, Kiwanis sponsored youth organization or who is the son, daughter, or spouse of a currently active Kiwanis Club of Marietta member.  Selection emphasis will be placed on academic achievement, character, and financial need.

A scholarship established in 2006 by the Marietta Kiwanis Foundation in honor of Mr. Bill Kinney, the Senior Associate Editor of the Marietta Daily Journal.  This scholarship is available to a graduate or undergraduate student entering or attending any accredited college or university and who is pursing a major in the field of Journalism.  Selection emphasis will be placed on financial need and academic performance.

A scholarship established in 2010 by the Marietta Kiwanis Foundation to recognize those who are left
behind.  This scholarship is available to a dependent of a person who is either on active duty or employed, in the reserve,
or a veteran of the military, law enforcement, fire department, or EMT services.  Applicants must reside, work, or be a
student at an institution whose main campus is in Cobb County.  The applicant agrees that verification of dependency
may occur during the selection process.  Emphasis for this award will be placed on the essay, character, and academic
achievement.  For information about the Forever Remember statute and the creation of this scholarship, please CLICK HERE.


Student Loan Forgiveness Programs

This page provides links to student loan forgiveness programs: