South Carolina Department of Health Scholarships

School Nursing Awards, Scholarships

Dee Dee Chewning School Nurse Administrator Award

Each year, DHEC and the S.C. Department of Education publicly recognize a registered nurse functioning in a school nurse administrator/supervisor role who excels at administering and coordinating quality school nursing and school health programs. This award is called the Dee Dee Chewning School Nurse Administrator Award. It’s named in honor of Ruth D. Chewning, RN, SNP, NCSN. Through her work as a school nurse, executive director for Healthy Learners, and other leadership roles, she has excelled at demonstrating the traits of an effective leader and inspiring others to lead with respect and compassion.

The School Nurse Conference Planning Committee works with the State School Nurse Consultant to select the recipient.

School Nurse of the Year RN and LPN Awards

Each year, DHEC and the S.C. Department of Education recognize recognize outstanding contributions by an RN and an LPN currently practicing as school nurses. The awards are presented at the Annual School Nurse Conference. Each year the School Nurse Conference Planning Committee works with the State School Nurse Consultant to select an RN and LPN to be honored.

Mary Ellen Hatfield School Nursing Scholarship Awards

The Mary Ellen Hatfield School Nursing Scholarship was established as a memorial to a former State School Health Nurse Consultant. Mary Ellen Hatfield served South Carolina from 1980 until her retirement in 1997. Hatfield knew that requiring licensed nurses for the provision of school health services was in the best interest of children. She worked hard to increase the number of school nurses in state schools. She also worked to build administrative systems to support a competent and well-informed school nursing work force. At the beginning of her tenure as School Health Nurse Consultant, South Carolina had 180 school nurses. Upon her retirement, there were more than 450. Thanks to Hatfield’s leadership, manuals outlining standards for school nursing practice were developed; an annual orientation program for school nurses was launched; and the Annual School Nurse Conference became the premier source of continuing education for South Carolina’s school nurses. She helped construct a solid foundation that continues to support innovative school health services programming.

Scholarship awards are provided annually, as funds are available. The scholarships will go to 2 nurses practicing in a school setting in South Carolina who are pursuing higher educational degrees. One award will be given to a licensed practical nurse, the other to a registered nurse.

To make a tax deductible donation to the Mary Ellen Hatfield School Nursing Scholarship fund, send your check, made payable to the South Carolina Nurses Foundation, to:

MaryEllen Hatfield School Nursing Scholarship
c/o SC Nurses Foundation, Inc.
1821 Gadsden Street
Columbia, SC 29201


South Carolina Bankers Association Scholarships

Among the most important and long-standing initiatives of the SCBA’s Young Bankers Division is its scholarship program. Hundreds of thousands of dollars have been awarded over the years to deserving students through money raised by the Young Bankers Division Golf Tournament and the fundraising efforts of students of the South Carolina Bankers School.

To reinforce its commitment to education and assist students with the ever-increasing cost of higher education, the South Carolina Bankers Association bolstered its scholarship giving with the SCBA Palmetto Scholarship. A key component of the revamped program is its emphasis on offering scholarships to the children of employees of SCBA-member banks.

For more than a century, the SCBA has been blessed with the strong support of its member institutions and their employees. The Bankers Association believes offering scholarships to deserving children of bank employees helps demonstrate both its appreciation to member banks and their employees.  It also serves as a means for building a path to a better, more prosperous South Carolina.

The SCBA understands that many students today often find themselves burdened by significant debt upon graduation. By offering scholarships to children of bank employees, the SCBA seeks to help students pursue higher education while also laying the foundation for the next generation of South Carolina’s leaders.

To be considered for the SCBA Palmetto Scholarship students must:

  • Be a resident of South Carolina;
  • Have a parent who lives in South Carolina and works for a SCBA member bank in South Carolina;
  • Be a full-time junior or senior undergraduate at an accredited four-year college or university in South Carolina during the fall semester of 2017;
  • Have a minimum grade-point average of 3.0 on a 4.0 scale;
  • Be active in his or her school and community, demonstrate a solid work ethic, and possess strong leadership abilities, good teamwork and a desire to succeed; and
  • Submit a resume and letter of recommendation from a dean or professor when completing the online application.

The submission process for consideration in the SCBA Palmetto Scholarship involves completing the application form found on the SCBA’s website in the Young Bankers Division section under “Scholarships” (handwritten and/or incomplete applications will not be processed). Applicants must also upload a resume and letter of recommendation from a dean or professor.

The application deadline is March 17, 2017. Unfortunately, applications submitted after this date will not be considered.

The Scholarship Committee will review and grade the applications.  Students will be notified in late spring.

Should you have any questions or concerns regarding the SCBA Palmetto Scholarship, please call SCBA Senior Vice President Carolyn Laffitte at 803.779.0850.


Central Carolina Community Foundation Scholarships

Accepting Scholarship Applications for 2017-2018 School Year

January 25, 2017

January 17, 2016 (Columbia, S.C.): Central Carolina Community Foundation, the Midlands expert on philanthropy, is accepting scholarship applications for the 2017-2018 school year starting on January 13 through March 5, 2017.  Interested students should to view eligibility criteria and complete their online application. Students are automatically matched with scholarships they are eligible for when they complete the online application.

The Community Foundation manages scholarship funds that provide education opportunities for students across the Midlands.  These scholarship funds are established by generous donors committed to furthering the education of the next generation. Each scholarship has its own specific purpose and eligibility criteria according to the recommendations of the donor. In 2016, the Foundation awarded 94 scholarships totaling $236,648 to some of South Carolina and the country’s outstanding students.

To learn more visit Central Carolina Community Foundation and the scholarship application process, please visit or contact the Community Foundation via phone at 803.254.5601, and select option #2 or via email


USTA South Carolina Scholarships

SCTPF Scholarship Information
The South Carolina Tennis Patrons Foundation established two $2,000 scholarships in 1993. These scholarships were recently named in honor of Lucy Garvin and Jim Russell.  A third scholarship, The Randall G. Heffron, D.M.D. Memorial Scholarship Award, was established in 2005.  The Heffron Scholarship uses the same criteria as the Patrons Foundation Scholarships and is selected by the SCTPF Scholarship Committee.  The Heffron scholarship is funded through contributions made to the Coastal Community Foundation.   A fourth scholarship, the Foster Family Scholarship, was added in 2016.  It, also, follows the same general criteria except it is awarded only to applicants who have played at least two years of high school tennis including their senior year.  The Foster Family Scholarship is funded by Amy Foster Martin in memory of her parents, Sonny and Jerry Foster, and her brother Larry Foster.

The criteria for selection of all four scholarships in the order of significance include:

•    Academic achievement
•    Character and sportsmanship
•    Extracurricular activities and community service
•    Notable tennis achievements
•    Applicant Essay, “The Impact of Tennis on My Life”

These $2000 scholarships are for the freshman year only.  Payment will be made directly to the college or university in the name of the recipient. Scholarship funds may only be used to defer costs of tuition, books, campus housing and/or campus food service programs.

Students that have received a full scholarship, a full scholarship equivalent (combined scholarships) or an appointment to one of the military service academies are not eligible for the SCTPF Scholarship Program. Additionally, students who receive the Dunlop Scholarship are not eligible for a SCTPF scholarship.

Click here to review the full SCTPF Scholarship Policy.

Applications must be received by June 30th. Recipients will be selected by the South Carolina Tennis Patrons Foundation Scholarship Committee.  Click here for the scholarship application.

Dunlop Scholarship: The Dunlop Scholarship, established in 1992, is sponsored jointly by Dunlop Slazenger Corporation and the Wachovia and Palmetto Championships. The Palmetto Championships was founded in Belton, SC in 1957 and has been played that town each year since. The tournament, held in June, is for junior boys and girls in South Carolina and serves as the state’s national qualifying tournament. Dunlop Slazenger has worked with the Palmetto Championships since the early 1980’s in an effort to improve the tournament and junior tennis in the state. This scholarship is a further effort by Dunlop Slazenger to provide more opportunities to our junior players. The Scholarship recognizes an incoming college female or male who has participated in junior tennis in South Carolina.


  • Must have played in at least two Palmetto Championships (the current year may count as one of the two)
  • Must have received a USTA SC ranking at least two years
  • Must play in current year’s Palmetto Championships (unless junior eligibility has expired or there is an injury)
  • Must be an incoming freshman at an accredited post-secondary college, university or vocational school in the United States
  • Must not already have a full scholarship
This $2000 scholarship is for the freshman year only. Payment will be made directly to the college or university in the name of the recipient. Applications must be received by May 20th. The winner will be announced at the 18’s Party held during the Palmetto Championships. The committee may wish to interview the scholarship finalists if necessary to make a decision. If needed, the interviews will be scheduled for the first day of the tournament. Click here to download the application.

Southern Tennis Patrons Foundation Junior Player Grant

Financial aid is available on a limited basis and is awarded based on need for players ranked in USTA Southern Section ELIGIBLE top 100 standings, age groups 12-18s. Family income must be $99,000 or less to qualify. Download the application here to view additional eligibility criteria.

SCTPF Junior Player Grant

The South Carolina Tennis Patrons Foundation offers financial aid on a limited basis, primarily on need, for junior players. Grants are awarded from $100-$500 per calendar year for tennis related expenses.

Recipients may be asked to provide accountability of how grant funds were spent. Compliance with accountability requests could affect eligibility for future grant consideration.

General Requirements

  • Player must be a full time resident of South Carolina and must be a USTA Member.
  • Player must be willing to play on state and sectional teams if asked.
  • Grant funds may be used for any tennis related expenses (equipment, lessons, entry fees, travel expenses, etc.).
  • Player’s annual family income $99,000 or less; exceptions can be made when multiple players come from one family.
  • A player may only apply for one grant per calendar year. However, a player who improves his or her ranking/standing during the year, can qualify for the difference in funding from one grant to the other (i.e. if a player whose standing is 15th in the state receives a $250 competition grant, then improves his or her standing to top 5 in the state and top 50 in the south, the player may apply for the $250 difference between the Competition and High Performance grants).
  • If an applicant’s family income is greater than $50,000, the maximum household (brothers and sisters) award in grant money may not exceed $700 per calendar year. If an applicant’s family income is $50,000 or less, then an additional $100 per applicant will be considered. This adjusted total household award in grant money may not exceed $1000 per calendar year.
  • Whichever is more, $2000 or 25%, of the total SCTPF Junior Player Grant budget will be used for grants to families with a household income less than $50,000. Any monies remaining from this amount after July 1 can be used by any eligible applicant.
  • Grant dollars are limited to the amount budgeted by SCTPF each calendar year on a first come first served basis.

Click here to apply.



Palmetto Land Title Association

This scholarship honors the memory of Mary G. Webster and
her longtime leadership and contributions to the title insurance industry in South Carolina. Mary began her career in the title insurance business searching titles for Lawyers Abstract Company. In 1978 she became Manager of Investors Title Insurance Company. In 1989 she was named Regional Vice President for the State of South Carolina. Mary was employed with the Company for 22 years. She also served as Assistant Secretary for Northeast Investors Title Insurance Company.

As a PLTA member, she served on the Board of Directors (1987,1991 & 1999), Treasurer (1988 & 1989), President-elect (1993) and was President of the Association in 1994. She also served on several committees: Election, Government Liaison, Public Relations and Membership. In 1997, she was awarded the J.Lee McDonald award (awarded by the Board of Directors to the person who has made outstanding contributions to Palmetto Land Title Association). She was a member of the Homebuilders Association, American Land Title Association and the Mortgage Bankers Association. She was co-founder of Wealth Builders Investors Club, and director of the SC Midlands NAIC Council. She was married with 4 children and 1 grandchild. Mary Webster passed away on November 2, 2000 at the young age of 53.

Eligibility Requirements For Mary G. Webster Scholarship

This scholarship is in memory of David S. Mellichamp who was a leader in the field of land title insurance. The David S. Mellichamp Scholarship is open to juniors and seniors who are enrolled full-time majoring in political science or economics and business administration. This scholarship is awarded to students who demonstrate academic achievement by maintaining a 3.0 or higher grade point average and are interested in a career in business. It is offered through an endowment which was made possible through generous donations from the members of the Palmetto Land Title Association. For additional information about the David S. Mellichamp scholarship, please contact the Furman University Financial Aid Office.


Foundation for the Carolinas

Foundation For The Carolinas manages numerous scholarship funds that provide grants to help students achieve their educational goals. Grants are available for students attending public and private institutions at graduate and undergraduate levels, as well as for private K-12 schools.

Foundation For The Carolinas currently administers 148 scholarship programs. In 2016, the Foundation awarded more than $1.8 million in scholarships to over 900 students.

Scholarship funds are permanent endowments established by donors, often in honor or memory of a loved one. For information about creating a scholarship fund, contact our Philanthropic Advancement team at 704.973.4500.


South Carolina Scholarships: Teaching

  • Winthrop University scholarships

    Must be a student at Winthrop University; requirements vary by scholarship.

  • SCCTM Educator’s Scholarship

    Must be a teacher pursuing an advanced degree in mathematics, math education, or elementary education with math emphasis; member of South Carolina’s Council of Teachers of Mathematics for previous two years; have a valid SC teaching certificate; currently employed by a SC school; completed two years or more teaching mathematics in SC; accepted into graduate program.

  • SCCTM Preservice Scholarship

    Must be enrolled in student teaching at a South Carolina college or university within one academic year of application; committed to teaching mathematics in South Carolina for grades PK-12; have 3.0 cumulative GPA and 3.0 GPA in math courses with at least 12 semester hours of math taken.

  • Florence Nelson Scholarship

    College seniors or fifth-year preservice students who are members of the South Carolina Council of the International Reading Association; must be enrolled in a South Carolina college majoring in education.

  • Mary A. Kelly Scholarship

    Graduate students who are members of the International Reading Association and the South Carolina State Council of the International Reading Association; must enroll in a South Carolina college education degree program; minimum of two years experience teaching in a classroom and one year participating in local council activities.

  • SCIRA Student Scholarship

    Graduating high school senior; resident of South Carolina; plan to pursue a degree in education from a South Carolina college; son or daughter of a current member of the South Carolina International Reading Association.

  • South Carolina Teacher Loans

    Must be a resident of South Carolina; education major; must meet academic requirements; loan forgiveness offered for those who teach in a public South Carolina school after graduation.

  • CERRA Teaching Fellows Program

    High school senior in South Carolina; commitment to teach in South Carolina one year for every year the scholarship is received.

  • T.E.A.C.H. Early Childhood South Carolina Scholarships

    Must work at a licensed/registered child care facility; must meet requirements for weekly hours worked for desired type of scholarship; must meet pay requirements.

  • TEACH Grant

    Must be enrolled in a TEACH-Grant-eligible program; intend to teach in elementary or secondary school that serves students from low-income families; meet certain academic requirements; meet basic eligibility criteria for the federal student aid programs; complete the FAFSA; available nationwide.


South Carolina Scholarships: State Fair

What is the “Ride of Your Life” scholarship?

Fifty $6,000 scholarships will be awarded to students across South Carolina, for a $1,500 scholarship per year over a four-year period.

Scholarships are awarded based on academic and extracurricular achievement, communication skills, need, and completeness of the application.

How do I apply?

Complete the application below to apply. Deadline to complete applications is March 15, 2017.

Am I eligible?

Yes, if you are:

  • A senior in high school in South Carolina.
  • A full-time resident of South Carolina.
  • Going to attend college in South Carolina.

Application Requirements

  1. The completed online application form.
  2. A current photograph (preferably your senior photo).
  3. A one-page, double-spaced, 12-point font essay.

How can the scholarship be used?

The scholarship must be used at a South Carolina university, college, or institution, and may cover tuition or other educational expenses like on-campus housing, a computer, or textbooks.

Recipients must retain a 3.0 GPA on a 4.0 scale and enroll in no less than 30 credit hours each academic year to receive funding each year.

How do I get more information?