Xavier University of Louisiana Scholarships

Xavier University of Louisiana is grounded in a tradition of academic excellence. Through our scholarship offerings, we strive to recognize the high academic achievement of prospective students who demonstrate exceptional potential for leadership, service, and personal development.

  1. Scholarships for New First-Time Freshmen:Initial Eligibility Requirements:Xavier University of Louisiana seeks to recognize outstanding academic achievement through the scholarship awards process. When making scholarship awards, the University uses a holistic assessment of a student’s completed admissions application. While all submitted information is considered during our scholarship review process, strongest consideration is given to the student’s academic record. Primary consideration is given to those students who have submitted a completed application by January 31. Students who submit a completed application after January 31 will be considered for scholarships on a funds-available basis. Students who have met the January 31 deadline will be notified no later than the end of February if they have received a scholarship. Acceptance of a scholarship offer must occur by the deadline date indicated in the scholarship awards packet.

Please note that the scholarship awards process for Xavier is competitive. Unfortunately, Xavier University of Louisiana is not able to award scholarships to all students who present strong academic records. We strongly encourage all students to submit the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). This allows the university to determine eligibility for need-based financial aid including grants, loans and work-study.

Included below is a list of available scholarship programs for first year freshmen. These awards vary in amounts and are renewable for eight consecutive semesters and contingent on the student’s full-time enrollment and maintaining the University’s required cumulative grade-point average.

    1. Board of Trustees Scholarship: Recipients of the Board of Trustees Scholarship will receive full tuition, fees and room & board.
    2. Presidential Scholarship: Recipients of the Presidential Scholarship will receive full tuition and fees.
    3. Saint Katharine Drexel Scholarship: Valedictorians or Salutatorians from any U.S. Catholic high school are eligible to receive this full-tuition scholarship and fees. The award covers eight consecutive semesters.
    4. Norman C. Francis Scholarship: Valedictorians or Salutatorians from public high schools in Orleans and Jefferson Parishes are eligible to receive this full-tuition scholarship and fees. The award covers eight consecutive semesters.
    5. Xavier University Academic Scholarships: These tuition scholarships are awarded to first-time freshmen based on strong academic achievement and high school counselor recommendations.
  1. Additional Eligibility Requirements for all students (freshmen and transfer):The following are additional requirements for scholarships.Applying for Financial Aid: Xavier University’s scholarship recipients may be eligible for federal and /or state aid. Parents and/or students who are U.S. citizens or eligible non-citizens who receive Xavier institutional scholarships must annually have on file the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). Guidelines established by the University’s Office of Student Financial Aid, in accordance with federal and state regulations, will be utilized to calculate the student’s financial aid amount and direct cost of education.

The sum of institutionally administered or affiliated scholarships, federal grants, state awards, and waivers shall not exceed a recipient’s direct costs (tuition, mandatory fees, and room and board). Should the institutional scholarship, when combined with the previously described resources, exceed the direct cost, the amount of the University’s institutional scholarship shall be adjusted accordingly.


University of Arkansas Pine Bluff Scholarships

Institutional Scholarships

The Academic Scholarship Program at UAPB is designed to recognize and reward students who have exemplified academic excellence. Scholarships awarded by the Office of Recruitment are for first- time entering students to the University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff who have not completed a bachelor’s degree program. Incoming freshmen may be offered a scholarship based on their 6 semester transcript; however, final/official transcripts are required for award and may change the award level. Scholarship awards are based upon cumulative grade point average (4.0 scale), composite ACT/SAT scores and rank in graduating class. You may qualify for other scholarships beyond the first year at UAPB. Contact your academic department, the Office of Enrollment Management, or the Office of Institutional Advancement.

Click here to view currently available institutional scholarships…

The University of Arkansas Pine Bluff has also comprised the following listing of private scholarships:

100 Minority Scholarship Gateways- http://www.blackexcel.org/100minority.htm
25 Scholarship Gateways from Black Excel http://www.blackexcel.org/25scholarships.htm
Adventures in Education- http://adventuresineducation.org/
Verizon Scholarship Program http://www.studentscholarshipsearch.com/scholarships/verizon-scholarship.php
African American Scholarships- http://www.littleafricacom/scholarship/
Alexander Graham Bell Association for the Deaf- http://www.agbell.org/
Alpha Kappa Alpha Awards- http://www.akaeaf.org/
American Assoc. of University Women http://www.aauw.org/fga/fellowships_grants/index.cfm
American Fire Sprinkler Scholarship Contest- http://www.afsascholarship.org/
American Legion Scholarships- http://www.legion.org/
Americorps- http://www.cns.gov/
Asian American Journalist Association- http://www.aaja.org/
Ayn Rand Institute http://www.aynrand.org/contests
Black Excel Scholarship Gateways- http://www.blackexcel.org/
Broke Scholars Scholarships- http://scholarships.brokescholar.com/
Chicana/Latina Foundation- http://www.chicanalatina.org/scholarship.html
College Board Big Future: https://bigfuture.collegeboard.org/scholarship-search#!personalinformation
College Board Scholarship Search http://appscollegeboard.com/cbsearch_ss/welcome.jsp
College Board Scholarship Search http://cbweb10p.collegeboard.org/fundfinder/html/fundfind01.html
College Connection Scholarships- http://www.collegescholarships.com/
College Net Scholarship Search- http://mach25.collegenet.com/cgi-bin/M25/index
College Xpress Scholarship Search- http://apps.absolutelyscholarships.com/exec/scholarship
Collegiate Inventors Competition- http://www.invent.org/collegiate/
Congressional Hispanic Caucus Institute- http://www.chci.org/
Datatel Scholarships- http://www.datatel.com/global/scholarships/applicants.cfm
Daughters of the American Revolution Scholarships http://www.dar.org/natsociety/edout_scholar.cfm#general
Decca Scholarships- http://www.deca.org/scholarships/
Fast Web: http://www.fastweb.com/college-scholarships/articles/quick-and-easy-scholarships
FinAid: The Smart Students Guide to Financial Aid (scholarships) http://www.finaid.org/scholarships/
Ford Foundation Fellowships for Minorities http://national-academies.org/fellowships
Gateway to 10 Free Scholarship Searches http://www.college-scholarships.com/free_scholarship_searches.htm
Gateway to 10 Free Scholarship Searches http://www.college-scholarships.com/free_scholarship_searches.htm
HBCU Connect’s Scholarship/Gran t- www.hbcuconnect.com
Hispanic Scholarship Fund- http://www.hsf.net/
Jackie Robinson Foundation Scholarships – http://www.jackierobinson.org/
Microsoft Scholarships- https://careers.microsoft.com/students/scholarships
Minority Scholarships- http://www.free-4u.com/minority.htm
Music Summer Program Awards- http://www.nfmc-music.org/
NAACP Scholarships http://www.naacp.org/departments/education/scholarship_index.html
NACME Scholarship Program- http://www.nacme.org/scholarships/
National Black Nurses Association Scholarships- http://www.nbna.org/
National Black Police Association Scholarships- http://www.blackpolice.org/
National Scholarships at All Levels- http://scholarships.fatomei.com/
National Society of Black Engineers Scholarships- http://www.nsbe.org/programs/
Nursing Scholarships- http://www.blackexcel.org/nursing-scholarships.html
Peterson’s Aid and Scholarships Help- http://www.petersons.com/finaid/
Presidential Freedom Scholarships- http://www.nationalservice.org/scholarships
SCHOLARSHIP AMERICA- http://scholarshipamerica.org/
Scholarship Database (Alphabetical Listing) http://www.campuscareercenter.com/scholarships/scholarships.asp
Scholarship News- http://www.free-4u.com/
Scholarship of The Month http://www.collegescholarships.com/scholarships-of-the-month
Scholarships For Hispanics- http://www.scholarshipsforhispanics.org/
Scholarships for Minority Accounting Students http://wwwaicpa.org/members/div/career/mini/smas.htm
Scholarships for Minority Accounting Students https://www.thiswaytocpa.com/education
Scholarships Pathways- http://scholarshipssite.blogspot.com/
Science and Engineering Student Scholarships- http://www.bell-labs.com/fellowships/
ScienceNet Scholarship Listing http://www.sciencenet.emory.edu/undergrad/scholarships.html
STATE FARM INSURANCE Hispanic Scholarships http://www.statefarm.com/foundati/hispanic.htm
Student Inventors Scholarships- http://www.invent.org/collegiate/
Super College Scholarships- http://www.supercollege.com/
Superscholar: http://superscholar.org/50-great-college-scholarships/
The David and Dovetta Wilson Scholarship Fund- http://www.wilsonfund.org/
The Elks National Foundation Scholarships http://www.elks.org/enf/scholars/ourscholarships.cfm
The Roothbert Fund Scholarships- http://www.roothbertfund.org/scholarships.php
Thurgood Marshall Scholarship Fund – http://www.thurgoodmarshallfund.org/
United Negro College Fund Scholarships – http://www.uncf.org/scholarships/uncfscholarship.asp
United Negro College Fund- http://www.uncf.org/
WAL*MART COMMUNITY SCHOLARSHIP- http://www.walmartfoundation.org/
Wells Fargo Scholarships- http://www.wellsfargo.com/collegesteps






BrokeScholar Scholarship Search Engine


Welcome to BrokeScholar, the home of information regarding millions of college scholarships, grants and fellowships. Any student can use this free service to help find third party scholarships and grant money for school.

Our goal is to make the process as painless and smooth as possible for existing and new college students using our site. It’s already a daunting enough task to have to write essays and jump through other hoops to qualify which is why the process of finding and organizing your prospects should require as little thought as possible. That’s where we come in and pour some rocket fuel on your scholarship search and help keep it all organized neatly.

-Search literally millions of free scholarships, grants, and fellowships
-Search gender, by study area, ethnicity, and more
-Review our customized due date calendar to help manage your applications and deadlines


You should not have to pay an application fee for a scholarship! That’s right, it should always be 100% free. If it’s not then you know to hit the back button immediately. You’d be surprised at how many sites are out there trying to take advantage of new students. So be on your toes and be sure to do your homework on any other sites you use that ask for an excessive amount of personal information.

Remember it’s never too early to start looking for financial aid. While you can miss a deadline, having extra time to work on your app isn’t going to hurt you. Also keep in mind that you don’t have to be at the top of your class to qualify, actually going through the process of submitting your application is half of the battle. It’s crazy how many people give up without even actually putting themselves out there.

In addition to BrokeScholar, you may want to use other free scholarship websites to increase your chances of finding more opportunities. Lastly to find local awards that aren’t listed in books or databases, look for notices posted on bulletin boards at your high school’s guidance office, the public library and outside the financial aid office of nearby colleges and universities.


As part of our mission here at BrokeScholar we have partnered with the most popular textbook companies to help students minimize their book costs. We’ve taken it a step further by offering the latest coupons for top college related brands. If you’re looking to save on your books, check out Abebooks for their book marketplace, Chegg for their rentals, and Cengagebrain for their digital options. This should help you simplify the process and get the best possible savings.




HBCU Bridge Scholarship

What is the HBCU Bridge Scholarship?

  • It is a merit-based scholarship for exceptional students from select HBCUs* who have completed their BA or BS degree. Selected students are invited to study at the University of Chicago for one academic year (three quarters).
  • The Graham School intends to award up to 10 HBCU Bridge Scholarships for the 2016-17 academic year.
  • Students may select from two study tracks: Autumn, Winter, and Spring Quarters, or Winter, Spring, and Summer Quarters.
  • Students will be awarded full tuition scholarships for a maximum of six courses, enrolling in up to two per quarter.
  • Students may take either undergraduate or graduate courses in the following divisions and schools: Biological Sciences, Physical Sciences, Social Sciences, Divinity, Public Policy, Social Service Administration, Law, and Booth School of Business.
  • Students may not enroll in courses through the Pritzker School of Medicine.
  • Students who successfully complete the HBCU Scholarship Program will receive a University of Chicago transcript. Why are we offering this scholarship?
  • The goal is to provide exemplary HBCU alumni with an opportunity to explore new fields of study or delve deeper into academic areas of interest. The scholarships will provide substantive academic experience towards eventual applications to graduate or professional schools.
  • By inviting these exemplary HBCU alumni to engage in courses on our campus, we aim to support the University of Chicago’s mission to foster a culture of diversity and innovation.
  • Introduced in Autumn 2015, seven inaugural HBCU Bridge scholars are currently studying Business, Law, Human Rights, Public Policy, Psychology and Gender Studies. What are the scholarship qualifications?
  • Applicants must have a BA or BS degree at time of matriculation.
  • Applicants must have a minimum GPA of 3.0 to be considered. What are the academic requirements while in the program?
  • Applicants must complete at least one course per quarter at the “B” grade level or above to remain in the program.
  • Applicants experiencing extenuating circumstances and requiring a Leave of Absence for one quarter or more must continue to work closely with the Program Director and the Dean of Students if they wish to continue in the program.

The Beinecke Scholarship

Student Eligibility

Each year approximately 145 colleges and universities are invited to nominate a student for a Beinecke Scholarship, and up to 20 new scholarships will be awarded. Each school invited to participate in the Beinecke Scholarship Program is permitted to make a single nomination each year.

Students enrolled at a participating institution who are interested in applying for a Beinecke Scholarship should contact their campus liaison for information regarding the procedure to be followed in selecting the school’s nominee.

To be eligible for a Beinecke Scholarship, a student must:

  • Demonstrate superior standards of intellectual ability, scholastic achievement, and personal promise during their undergraduate career.
  • Be a college junior pursuing a bachelor’s degree during the 2024-2025 academic year. “Junior” means a student who is currently enrolled, plans to continue full-time undergraduate study, and expects to receive a bachelor’s degree between December 2025 and August 2026.
  • Plan to enter a research- or creative-focused master’s or doctoral program in the arts, humanities, or social sciences. NOTE: Students in the social sciences who plan to pursue graduate study in neuroscience or clinical psychology should not apply for a Beinecke Scholarship.
  • Be a U.S. citizen or U.S. national from American Samoa or the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands.
  • Have a documented history of being eligible to receive need-based financial aid during their undergraduate years, with a slight preference for Pell Grant recipients. Other evidence of meeting this criterion is a student’s history of receiving need-based institutional, state, or federal grants-in-aid. The nominated student will be required to complete and submit a Financial Aid Data Sheet outlining how the student meets this criterion. During the selection process, the amount of financial need will be one of the factors considered, with preference given to candidates for whom the awarding of a Beinecke Scholarship would significantly increase the likelihood of the student’s being able to attend graduate school.

Visit website: https://beineckescholarship.org/how-to-apply/

Cameron Impact Scholarship

There are two opportunities to submit the Initial Online Application:

  • Early Application Deadline for the Class of 2017 is May 27, 2016.
  • Regular Application Deadline for the Class of 2017 is September 15, 2016.

Please note that a transcript and two (2) recommendations are required as part of the application process.  These must be completed by the application deadline or your submission will not be considered.  Applicants will receive a link to the recommendation form after they submit their portion of the application online.

The Selection Committee will choose a limited number of finalists (50-100) for face-to-face interviews (preferably at the applicant’s high school) before recipients are announced on December 15, 2016.  Interviews will be conducted between June and November 2016.

Reward funds will be administered directly to the Financial Aid Office at the institution chosen by the recipient of the award. If an applicant who is awarded a Cameron Impact Scholarship earns another merit-based scholarship (i.e. military, athletics), the Foundation will discuss how the financial reward might be deferred to other educational expenses down the line.  Annual renewal of the Cameron Impact Scholarship will be dependent upon continued attendance, good academic standing, and an acceptable code of conduct. Evidence of misconduct as determined by the Foundation, school, and legal authorities would result in withdrawal of any funds from the Foundation.

Recipients of the Cameron Impact Scholarship will be required to attend an annual Cameron Impact Scholars Award Ceremony and Summit for the duration of the Scholarship. Graduates of the Scholarship program are strongly encouraged to attend this annual event as well.



GoodCall Scholarship Search Website


GoodCall is a scholarship research website allowing users to input search criteria and filters (e.g., very entrants, easy to enter, that end this week, etc.). The site allows students to search for scholarships in categories in which students have already written essays (e.g., cancer, eating disorders, etc.)

Following is an example of the search results for African-American, female, and STEM scholarships.

Thurgood Marshall Scholarship Fund

The awards process is highly competitive and is given to outstanding and qualified students who plan to earn a baccalaureate, graduate or law degree from an accredited college or university. The average award is $3,100 per student per semester. Most scholarships are one year, non-renewable unless otherwise indicated and awards are given without regard to race, color, creed, religion, sex, disability or national origin.

Click here to visit the Thurgood Marshall Scholarship Fund Website…


TMCF awards nearly 500 scholarships a year to high-achieving students. Below is a list of all current scholarships.

Comcast Leaders and Achievers® Scholarship Program

DEADLINE: December 1, 2016

This scholarship offers up to $1,000.

Comcast Leaders and Achievers® Scholarship Program is a nomination-based award, and only one student per school may be nominated by their principal or guidance counselor. Leaders and Achievers, funded through the Comcast Foundation, recognizes high school seniors from Comcast communities for their commitment to community service, academics and demonstrated leadership. Read More >

TMCF | Department of Defense SMART Scholarship

DEADLINE: December 1, 2016 5:00PM EST

This scholarship offers up to $38,000 annually, plus job placement.

The Science, Mathematics And Research for Transformation (SMART) Scholarship for Service Program has been established by the Department of Defense (DoD) to support undergraduate and graduate students pursuing degrees in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) disciplines. The program offers a generous scholarship and guaranteed job and internship placements. Read More >

Apple HBCU Scholars Program

The application is now closed.

This comprehensive program offers a summer internship at Apple, an ambassador role on campus, mentorship, and a scholarship for your senior year of study.

The Thurgood Marshall College Fund (TMCF) in partnership with Apple is proud to present the Apple HBCU Scholars Program to outstanding students with a minimum 3.25 GPA who will be graduating between December 2017 and May 2018. Selected Scholars will participate in a 12-week internship during the summer before their senior year, and will receive up to $25,000 in scholarship funding based on individual financial needs that will be applied to their final year of study. Each scholar will have an Apple mentor throughout their experience, receive an opportunity to develop key skills, enhance their resumes, and help launch their careers through hands-on experience gained at one of the top tech companies in the world. Read More >

TMCF | Costco Scholarship Program

This application is closed.

One-year scholarship of $6,300

The Thurgood Marshall College Fund (TMCF) and Costco Wholesale are proud to offer financial assistance to outstanding students attending one of the 47 publicly-supported Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) within the TMCF member-school network. The Costco Scholarship is open to students with a minimum 3.0 GPA. Selected scholars will receive a one-year merit scholarship for the 2016-2017 academic year. Read More >

TMCF | USA Funds Success Scholarship

This application is closed.

One-year scholarship of $6,200

The Thurgood Marshall College Fund (TMCF) and USA Funds proud to offer financial assistance to outstanding students attending one of the 47 publicly-supported Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) within the TMCF member-school network. The TMCF | USA Funds scholarship is open to students with a minimum 3.0 GPA. Selected scholars will receive a one-year merit scholarship of $6,200 for the 2016-2017 academic school year.Read More >

TMCF | David J. Stern Sports Scholarship Program

This application is closed.

3-year renewable scholarship, capped at $10,000 per year (for a total not to exceed $30,000).

In partnership with the National Basketball Association (NBA), we are proud to administer the David J. Stern Scholarship Program, which will provide a talented and enthusiastic student the opportunity to study sports management or sports-related field at a college or university of their choice, including any one of the nation’s 4-year Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs). The recipient will receive a 3-year renewable scholarship at $10,000 per year (for a total not to exceed $30,000). Read More >

TMCF | Lowe’s Gap Scholarship

This application is closed.

One-time award ranging from $500 to $3,100 (depending on account balance)

In association with Lowe’s, TMCF offers a gap scholarship for graduating college students with a minimum 2.5 GPA. The scholarship amount ranges from $500 to $3,100 (depending on account balance) and fills the gap to help a student graduate. Read More >

TMCF | Altria Scholarship

This application is closed.

One-year scholarship of $6,200

The Altria Scholarship is open to sophomores and juniors with a minimum 3.0 GPA attending one of TMCF’s member-schools and majoring in selected majors. Selected scholars will receive a one-year scholarship of $6,200 for the 2016-2017 academic school year. Read More >

TMCF | Hershey Scholarship

This application is closed.

One-year scholarship of $6,200

The Hershey Scholarship is open to outstanding students with a minimum 3.0 GPA attending one of the 47 publicly-supported Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs). Selected scholars will receive a one-year scholarship of $6,200 for the 2016-2017 academic school year. Read More >

TMCF | Department of Defense (DoD) Scholarship

This application is closed.

Scholarship offers full scholarships to qualified high school graduating seniors.

The Department of Defense (DoD) Scholarship will be awarded to exceptional and qualified graduating high school seniors with a minimum 3.25 GPA. The scholarship application and selection process is competitive and the recipients will receive a full, 4-year renewable scholarship, capped at $15,000 per year (for a total not to exceed $60,000). Read More >

TMCF | Annenberg Foundation Scholarship Program

This application is closed.

One-year scholarship not to exceed $15,000 (based on need)

The Thurgood Marshall College Fund (TMCF) and Annenberg Foundation are proud to offer financial assistance to outstanding students from Los Angeles, CA area who will be incoming freshmen at one of the Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs). Read More >

TMCF | Walmart Foundation First-Generation Scholarship Program

The application is closed.

The Walmart Foundation First-Generation Scholarship is open to all graduating high school seniors with a minimum 2.5 GPA who will be first-generation incoming freshmen at one of the 47 publicly-supported Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs). Selected scholars will receive a mentor and a one-year merit scholarship of $6,200 for the 2016-2017 academic school year. Read More >

TMCF | MillerCoors Scholarship

This application is closed.

One-year scholarship of $6,200

TMCF and MillerCoors are proud to offer financial assistance to outstanding students attending one of the 47 publicly-supported Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) within the TMCF member-school network. The TMCF | MillerCoors Scholarship is open to students with a minimum 3.0 GPA. Read More >

TMCF | Ford Blue Oval Scholarship

This application is closed.

One-year scholarship of $6,200

TMCF and Ford Motor Company Fund are proud to offer financial assistance to graduating high school seniors who plan to attend one of the 47 publicly-supported Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) within the TMCF member-school network. The TMCF | Ford Blue Oval Scholarship is open only to African American male students with a minimum 3.0 GPA. Read More >

TMCF | Wells Fargo Scholarship

This application is closed.

Selected scholars will receive a one-year merit scholarship of $7,000 for the 2016-2017 academic school year.

The Wells Fargo Scholarship is open to students with a minimum 3.0 GPA students attending one of the 47 publicly-supported Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs). Selected scholars will receive a one-year merit scholarship of $7,000 for the 2016-2017 academic school year. Read More >

TMCF | Sidney B. Williams Jr. Scholarship Intellectual Property Law Scholarship

The application for the Sidney B. Williams Jr. Scholarship Intellectual Property Law Scholarship is now closed.

One year scholarship of $10,000

The Thurgood Marshall College Fund (TMCF) and American Intellectual Property Law Association (AIPLA) are proud to offer financial assistance to law schools students interested in Intellectual Property Law. Read More >

TMCF | AFSCME Union Scholarship

The application for the AFSCME Union Scholarship is now closed.

This scholarship offers an internship and stipend, plus a scholarship of up $6,300.

The Thurgood Marshall College Fund is pleased to partner with the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees (AFSCME) to provide a scholarship and internship exposing competitive students to careers within the labor union movement. Read More >

TMCF | National Hockey League Scholarship

The application for the NHL Scholarship is now closed.

One-year scholarship of $6,200

The Thurgood Marshall College Fund is pleased to partner with the National Hockey League to offer this scholarship. This is a scholarship for student participants in the Hockey is for Everyone program in the United States and Canada. Read More >


Syracuse University Summer College for High School Students

Syracuse University Summer College offers a variety of 2 – 6 week programs through which you can discover your passions, live on campus, and explore college life. Some of next year’s programs include:

Program Length:Program Subject:
2 Week Programs:Art
Criminal Justice
MakerSpace & 3D Printing
Sport Management
3 Week Programs:Acting & Musical Theater
4 Week Programs:EducationUSA Academy
6 Week Programs:Architecture
Forensic Science
Public Communications

Check out our web site for an updated listing of our full program offerings.

Hope to hear from you soon!

Matthew J. Fee, Ph.D.
Director, Summer College

Syracuse University

Summer College for High School Students

700 University Ave. Syracuse, NY 13244-2530

  1. sumcoll@syr.edu
  2. Phone: 315-443-5000
  1. Fax: 315-443-4410

Have Any Questions?

We are here to answer your questions or concerns. Contact us using our form, or contact one of our staff members directly.

Matthew J. Fee, Ph.D.
Director of Summer College

Jessica D. Pitcher
Assistant Director of Summer College

Lauren Mintier
Administrative Specialist

Office Phone: 315-443-5000


Questbridge College Prep Scholarship for High School Juniors

The QuestBridge College Prep Scholarship gives outstanding low-income high school juniors an early advantage in college admissions.

College Prep Scholars are uniquely prepared to gain admission and full scholarships to top-tier colleges through QuestBridge. The majority of College Prep Scholars are selected as Finalists for the QuestBridge National College Match program.

With a proven track record of helping outstanding low-income students attain their college dreams, the QuestBridge College Prep Scholarship will provide you with everything you need to know about getting into a leading college—for free.

The QuestBridge College Prep Scholarship helps position qualified high school juniors to be successful applicants to the nation’s top colleges, and provides resources to help them get there. Being selected as a College Prep Scholar is a notable distinction that celebrates your achievements and gives you an early edge in applying to college. Read about some past College Prep Scholars who applied to college successfully through QuestBridge!

All College Prep Scholars will receive:

  • Free test prep to help you get the test scores you need to become a more competitive applicant
  • Priority consideration to receive all-expense-paid campus visits and fly-in programs to the nation’s best colleges
  • Early access to the National College Match application in order to get a head start
  • Priority assistance from QuestBridge to strengthen your National College Match application

College Prep Scholars are also eligible to receive: