2014 MARC Scholarship Opportunity, Deadline March 14, 2014
February 21, 2014The Metro Atlanta Relocation Council (MARC) is proud to announce the fourth annual MARC Scholarship Program for current high school seniors who have relocated into the Atlanta area over the course of their high school career.
The student must have relocated more than 50 miles sometime between grades 9 (after completion of 8th grade) and 12 and changed schools due to their family’s relocation. Residence eligibility is defined as a senior attending a private or public school in any city or county district within Cobb, Fulton, DeKalb, or Gwinnett Counties as well as any county immediately bordering these counties. They must also have a minimum cumulative grade point average of 3.0 on a scale of 4.0 (or equivalent achievement on a different scale). For more information, and a link to the application, follow the link:
South Cobb Council of PTA’s Aspire Scholarship for HS Senior PTA Members, Deadline 3/28/14
February 21, 2014Seniors who are members of the PTA at Hillgrove, McEachern, South Cobb, and Pebblebrook with a minimum GPA of 3.0 can apply.
A link to the application can be found here:
NAACP ACT-SO 2014 for High School Students, Deadline April 12, 2014
February 21, 2014Students are invited to participate in the NAACP’s Afro-Academic, Cultural, Technological and Scientific Olympics (ACT-SO). ACT-SO promotes a climate of academic and artistic development. Students of African-American descent enrolled in grades 9-12 and are amateurs in the categories of competition are eligible to participate. For more information contact Deane Bonner at 770-425-5757. Additional information can also be found at this link:
Regions Riding Forward Scholarship
February 21, 2014Regions Riding Forward® Scholarship Contest
Their Story. Your Voice.
Your voice is your own. But it’s also been impacted by others. Who, we wonder, has inspired you? Let us know by entering the Regions Riding Forward Scholarship Contest.
You could win an $8,000 college scholarship
For the opportunity to win an $8,000 scholarship, submit a video or written essay about an individual you know personally (who lives in your community) who has inspired you and helped you build the confidence you need to achieve your goals.

The details
The 2025 Regions Riding Forward Scholarship Contest consists of four (4) separate Quarterly Contests – one for each calendar quarter of 2025. Regions is awarding four $8,000 scholarships through each Quarterly Contest.
Visit website:
Nu Psi Sigma Chapter of Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc., 2014 Scholarship for Young Men, Deadline 3/24/14
February 21, 2014Scholarship Criteria:
- Must be a male senior at a Georgia high school
- Must provide a letter of intent (not to exceed two pages in length) including the following: personal introduction, professional aspirations, and a detailed description of how this scholarship will impact your future endeavors
- Include an electronic 5×7 photograph
- Provide two (2) teacher recommendation letters (must be emailed directly by the teachers to
- Must be enrolled in a traditional four-year college/university by the fall of 2014
- Attach application, letter of intent, photographs, and recommendation letters separately to one (1) email.
- Submit all application materials to Christopher Perry at
- All application documents should be submitted no later than Monday March 24, 2014.
A copy of the application is attached:
Scholarship for Alumni of McClure Middle School (Kennesaw, GA), Deadline March 14, 2014
February 21, 2014This year, the Susan Wing Schlolarship, in the amount of $1,000.00, will be awarded to a graduating senior who attended McClure Middle School at least one (1) year. To be eligible to receive this scholarship you must attend an accredited college, university or trade school in the 2014 fall semester.
The link to the scholarship application can be found below:
Atlanta Panhellenic Association High School Honors Scholarship for Female Seniors
February 21, 2014The Atlanta Alumnae Panhellenic Association High School Honors Scholarship is presented annually to high school women who are planning to attend an accredited four-year university that has 1 or more National Panhellenic Conference recognized sororities in the Fall immediately following presentation of the award. Applicant must demonstrate scholastic excellence; possess proven leadership abilities; display community service involvement; and have excellent communication skills.
Female high school seniors residing and attending a high school in the metro-Atlanta counties of Cherokee, Cobb, DeKalb, Douglas, Forsyth, North Fulton, Gwinnett, Hall, Paulding or Rockdale. Applicant must plan to attend an accredited four-year university that has 1 or more National Panhellenic Conference recognized sororities in the Fall immediately following presentation of the award.
Applicant will be evaluated in 5 categories – scholastic achievement, leadership skills, community involvement, essay and personal recommendations.
Applicant must submit 2 copies of the complete application postmarked on/before March 1, 2014 to: Aggie Steiner 3669 Manor Brook Terrace Atlanta, GA 30319 A complete Application Package includes: AAPA Scholarship Application Form with Attachments 1 and 2, Sealed High School Transcript and 2 Letters of Recommendation.
A link to the application documents is found here:
Federal Diversity Internship Initiative
February 4, 2014The Federal Diversity Internship Initiative provides an amazing opportunity to intern within the Federal Government. Carefully consider this resource to help you determine whether it is the right choice for you. As a general note, the Federal Diversity Internship Initiative is not the best or only way to seek an internship with a federal agency. Further, if you attend a TWC-affiliated institution, you are likely to be better off applying for the D.C. General Program (option 1 in the application), through which you will be considered for all opportunities that match your experience and background.
Important Information for Applicants
- Please read all details provided on the Federal Diversity Internship Initiative section of the website for information on this opportunity. This initiative differs from the Washington, D.C. Internship Program in many ways.
- Internship opportunities through the Federal Diversity Internship Initiative are available during the fall, spring, and summer each year. The number and types of positions open vary by term, and you can be considered across multiple terms and years.
- Given the uncertain nature of placement timelines, applicants may be notified of their status only if they have been offered an interview.
- All supplemental materials should be submitted as soon as possible after applying. You must submit an official transcript to complete your application. You may be asked to submit an updated transcript and/or resume if you are being considered a semester or more beyond the time you initially submitted these items.
Placement Availability
The government often has internships* available with the following agencies:
- Federal Aviation Administration (FAA)
- Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC)
- National Archives and Records Administration (NARA)
- U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS)
- U.S. Department of Treasury
- U.S. Census Bureau
- U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA)
- U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
- and others!
*Please note that internships may be regionally based.
The Washington Center facilitates placements for each semester and summer with as much notice as possible, but some applicants may be informed of an internship opportunity near or after previously listed start dates for their term of interest. Applicants are encouraged to inform TWC of changes in their availability for a given term.
If you have questions about applying to the Federal Diversity Internship Initiative that cannot be answered by the website, please feel free to contact Reid May at or 202-238-7702.
Kenessaw State Summer Camps
January 13, 2014
The Summer University experience is an engaging combination of learning and enjoyment. Each summer, our courses are designed to give students an opportunity to explore their creativity, challenge their minds and build new friendships. From rising 1st graders to 12th graders, there are courses for every age!
The setting and subjects are academic, and the tone and atmosphere is lively and fun! Choose a summertime activity for your kids that fills their free time with hands-on learning opportunities, entertainment and camaraderie. Whatever the age, whatever the interest, there are SummerU classes that meet the needs of your kids.
Extended Care Camp is available until 6:00pm. Campers will be provided with a healthy snack and several choices of activities to extend the fun of their camp day.
Note: When registering a child for a class, be certain that you use the child’s name and ID, not your own.
Behavior Management Guidelines
Summer University Webinar April, 2016
GBAA Aviation Scholarship 2014
January 13, 2014The Georgia Business Aviation Association (GBAA) is accepting scholarship applications from GA students pursuing a field of study in the Aviation industry.
Applications must be postmarked by March 1, 2014.
For more information, please see the attachments below.