Speech Contest

LMLA, in partnership with Toastmasters, is sponsoring the annual National Management Association (NMA) Leadership Speech Contest(LSC). The contest is intended for students in grades 9-12 to research, write, and deliver a speech on Leadership. Our local competition will be held on Saturday, March 3 in the L-22 Conference Center at 8 a.m. All entries must be postmarked by Friday, February 24th. Contest rules, application, and additional information can be accessed from Insite or the LMLA website under Community Services. The winner of the contest will receive a cash prize and advance to the regional competition in April. Contact Kristin Suarez 770-793-0038 or Sade Chaney 770-793-0542 for additional information.

Download application

Mail all forms: Fax all forms:

Attention: Kristin Suarez Attention to Kristin Suarez • LMLA Speech Contest LMLA Speech Contest • 86 South Cobb Drive 817-655-9818 • Mail Zone 0973 • Marietta, GA 300693-0973

U.S. Department of Labor Summer Jobs

U.S. Dept. of Labor Summer Jobs+

“America’s young people face record unemployment, and we need to do everything we can to make sure they’ve got the opportunity to earn the skills and a work ethic that come with a job. It’s important for their future, and for America ‘s. That’s why I proposed a summer jobs program for youth in the American Jobs Act — a plan that Congress failed to pass. America ‘s youth can’t wait for Congress to act. This is an all-hands-on-deck moment. That’s why today, we’re launching Summer Jobs+, a joint initiative that challenges business leaders and communities to join my Administration in providing hundreds of thousands of summer jobs for America ‘s youth”

— President Barack Obama

If you are a student looking for a summer job, click onto the following links to find an employment opportunities that fits your needs and interests:






Atlanta Community Food Bank Volunteer Opportunity

This summer the Atlanta Community Food Bank will be offering two 4-day Youth Summits on Hunger and Poverty.

We are looking for students who:

  • Will be in the 9th through 12th  grade in 2012-2013
  • Have an interest in hunger/poverty issues
  • Are committed to service
  • Are interested in taking action within their own community.

As a part of the Youth Summit on Hunger and Poverty, students will:

  • Gain in-depth knowledge about local and national hunger and poverty issues
  • Participate in ACFB service projects, and learn about other community and government responses to hunger and poverty
  • Meet other students and make new friends
  • Enhance their college resumes or job applications
  • Identify and commit to a minimum of one hunger fighting action step in the coming school year
  • Receive 32 community service hours.

We are offering 2 sessions, and will accept 20 students per session.

  • Tuesday – Friday, June 12 – 15 from 8:30 am – 4:30 pm
  • Tuesday – Friday, July 24 – 27  from 8:30 am – 4:30 pm

Participants MUST be available for the entire four-day program in order to be eligible. (There are no fees or costs for participants.)

Download the 2012 ACFB Youth Summit application http://www.acfb.org/projects/hunger_101/youth_summit/

Deadline to apply: Friday, April 13, 2012.

Direct questions to: youth.summit@acfb.org

Student Achievement Newsletters

Click onto the month of the newsletter that you would like to read

February 2012: Addresses Black male achievement, the importance of faith-based partnerships, working incarcerated youth, and profiles Livingstone College student, Shai Boyd.

March 2012: Profiles Professor Shaun Harper’s research, “Black Male Student Success in Higher Education,” profiles youth motivational speaker, Dalton Sherman, Dr. Ernest Johnson’s book, “Secrets for Motivating, Educating, and Lifting the Spirit of African American Males,” STEM education, the film 2 million minutes, U.S. Department of Education Data pertaining to disparate discipline rates, Identify Summer Programs, and a student profile of 7th-grader who scored 1600 on the SAT.

Parent Education Summit

Parent education summit, hosted by Spelman College. Registration opens at 8:00 AM. Workshops will deal with such issues as:

  • The importance of parenting
  • The impact of absenteeism on student achievement
  • The importance of third grade learning outcomes
  • The importance of summer programs
  • The role of father figures and mentors
  • The impact of diet and nutrition on student learning and development
  • The importance of building relationships with teachers and the impact of good teachers on a child’s learning
  • How to ensure that your child is being prepared for the jobs of the future

For more information, visit Too Important to Fail and Youth 2 Leaders


State Bar of Georgia High School Pipeline Program

High School Pipeline Program

The State Bar of Georgia Diversity Program, in partnership with the Leadership Institute for Women of Color Attorneys and Atlanta’s John Marshall Law School, presents an annual Pipeline, held at Atlanta’s John Marshall Law School. This program presents a unique opportunity for diverse students to prepare for college and ultimately law school. The program is limited to 18 students and applicants will be considered on a “first come, first serve basis.”

Please contact Marian Cover Dockery, executive director, State Bar of Georgia Diversity Program at lexikonmcd@aol.com for more information.


21st Century Leaders Summer Programs

The 21st Century Leaders (21CL) was established in 1991 by a group of executives in response to two alarming trends: 1) a lack of people prepared to accept leadership roles, and 2) the difficulty of employees in crossing class and racial barriers to work together. The group realized the key to reversing these trends is the next generation; that is, providing young people with the training, guidance and encouragement necessary to enter college and the workforce with a highly developed set of leadership skills.

21st Century Leaders launched its first one-week summer program in the summer of 1991 with 31 students from eight high schools. Since that time almost 10,000 young people have been engaged in the leadership programs of 21st Century Leaders. Through a partnership with the Georgia Board of Regents, the summer program grew to multiple collegiate campuses and multiple “classes” of high school youth in 1996. The first co-branding of one if its programs, Leadership Unplugged: A CNN Experience began in 2006.

G5! @ GoizuetaBusiness-focused leadership development program.

Leadership UnpluggedMedia literacy focused leadership development program.

Leadership Plugged-InTechnology-focused leadership development program.

Community Banker’s Association Scholarship

The Hester Scholarship is open to Georgia high school seniors who will be entering a Georgia college, university or trade school (two year program or more). The scholarship is named for the late Jan Hester, daughter of Lalia and the late Julian Hester, long-time CEO of Community Bankers Association. In addition to supporting community banking, this scholarship fund is an opportunity to pass on the positive qualities both Jan & Julian Hester exemplified to further the development of tomorrow’s generations.

As in the past eleven years, CBA will award $1,000 scholarships to four (4) of this year’s candidates of the Julian & Jan Hester Memorial Scholarship. The applications must be submitted to the Association through a CBA member community bank.  To obtain a listing of member community banks in your area, please contact LindsayGreene.

Click here to view the winners of the Julian & Jan Hester Memorial Scholarship.

Click here to download the application!

Deadline to apply: April


Georgia Black College Expo

The 2011 Georgia Black College Expo to be held on Saturday, February 11, 2012 from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. at the Cobb Galleria Centre, Atlanta, GA. The cost is $10 per person at the door, $8 online. Students can meet with college representatives, participate in live band auditions for scholarships at HBCUs, and find out about internships and careers.

Free seminars and workshops

Visit www.thecollegeexpo.org or call 877-427-4100 for more information.

Delta Community Credit Union Scholarships

The DCCU Scholarship is about awarding scholarships annually to assist students in their quest for higher education. Scholarships are awarded based on high school academic achievement, school/community involvement and submission of an essay on a topic selected by the credit union.

General Eligibility Requirements

Applicants must meet all of the following conditions:

  1. Applicants and parent (or family member/guardian) must be Delta Community members in good standing at the time of entry. Click here for information on how to open an account.
  2. Applicants must be a spring 2012 high school graduate and must begin college or technical school as a first-time, full-time freshman in the fall of 2012.
  3. Applicants must have a minimum 3.0 cumulative grade point average (GPA) as of the end of the 1st semester of the 2011-2012 school year.

Deadline is March 30, 2012.

Click here for the 2012 Scholarship Application and full program details.