Big Money Scholarships

Nordstrom Scholarship for High School Juniors

The Nordstrom Scholarship is open to high school juniors who:

  • Live and attend school in one of the participating 30 states where Nordstrom currently has a full-line store. Not sure if there’s a store in your state?
    See our Store Locations.
  • Have at least a 2.7 GPA (based on a 4.0 scale) throughout high school.
  • Volunteer or participate in community services or extracurricular activities.
  • Plan on attending an accredited four-year college or university during the four years over which the scholarship is distributed. The scholarship is paid out in equal installments of $2,500.
  • Plan on applying for financial assistance in order to attend college.


It’s easy to submit your application for a Nordstrom Scholarship. Here’s how the selection process works:

Now through May 1.

Semi-final entries are reviewed by regional selection committees. Semi-finalists will be notified via e-mail.

All finalists are interviewed in person or via video conference.

Winners will be notified by the end of October.  To ensure you receive prompt notification, add to your address book.


If you have any questions about the scholarship or application process, contact Ellen Greene, Nordstrom Scholarship Program Manager, at 206.373.4550 or

Amount: $10,000

Deadline: May 1

Posse Scholars

Our Foundation is a Nominating Organization

Our foundation serves as a nominating organization for the Posse Atlanta Office. Partner colleges for the Posse Atlanta are:

  1. Bard College (Scholarship Award Valued at: $190,240)
  2. Brandeis University (Scholarship Award Valued at: $184,088)
  3. Boston University (Scholarship Award Valued at: $182,744)
  4. The College of Wooster (Scholarship Award Valued at: $173,400)
  5. Syracuse University (Scholarship Award Valued at: $161,520)
  6. Texas A&M University (Scholarship Award Valued at: $105,424)

If you are high school junior living the Atlanta area, you may email: if you would like to be considered for nomination.

What the Posse Atlanta Office does

The POSSE Foundation identifies, recruits and trains public high school students with extraordinary academic and leadership potential to become Posse Scholars. These students—many of whom might have been overlooked by traditional college selection processes—receive four-year, full-tuition leadership scholarships from Posse’s partner institutions of higher education. Posse also partners with graduate programs, which provide scholarships and other forms of financial assistance to Posse Alumni interested in earning advanced degrees.

Each fall, students are nominated by high schools and community-based organizations for their leadership and academic potential. Posse partner colleges and universities award merit-based leadership scholarships to multicultural teams of 10 students each. These teams (Posses) attend college together.

What the Posse Foundation provides….

Every year,* Posse works closely with its network of high schools and community-based organizations to recruit Posse Scholars. Each Posse Scholar wins a four-year, full-tuition scholarship to attend one of Posse’s partner colleges or universities.

Students who are chosen to become Posse Scholars find out in late December, which means that they have committed to attend a partner university for the following semester.


To be eligible, a high school senior MUST:

  1. Be nominated by their high school or a community-based organization
  2. Be in the first term of their senior year in high school. Depending on the Posse city, nominations are often taken between the spring and early August before the new school year begins.
  3. Demonstrate leadership within their high school, community or family.
  4. Demonstrate academic potential.
  5. There is not minimum GPA needed to be maintained by a Posse Scholar, but the Scholar should keep in mind that schoolwork should be well maintained and still looked upon with a high regard.
  6. Posse has no cut offs as far as GPAs and SATs/ACTs. Posse does look for students who demonstrate high academic potential and have the desire to perform well in top ranked academic environments.

Target applicant…

Posse seeks students who are:

  • Leaders in their high schools and communities
  • Committed to their education and demonstrate academic potential
  • Interested in teamwork and diversity
  • Positive, motivated, talented, ambitious young people

Read the 2012 Alumni Report…

Air Force ROTC, Army ROTC, and Navy ROTC Scholarships

For the student committed to becoming an officer in the military and able to successfully balance college and military training, the military scholarship program can be a pathway to a college degree and career. However, opting out of the military commitment, under certain circumstances, will require that the student repay all of the money paid toward the student’s tuition.

Air Force ROTC Scholarships

In Air Force ROTC, you’ll get to experience college life like every other student while developing lasting friendships and valuable leadership skills. All while paying for school with an AFROTC scholarship. To begin your future today, fill out a scholarship application by clicking on the link below.


Air Force ROTC can take your college experience to the next level while helping you with the rising costs of education with an array of full or partial scholarships that cover:

  • Tuition and fees
  • Books and other expenses
  • Extra spending money

With an AFROTC scholarship, you’re free to concentrate on your studies and enjoy college instead of worrying about how to pay for it.

How It Works

Several steps are required when applying for an Air Force ROTC scholarship:

  • Complete your online application by December 1
  • Submit counselor certification/signed copy of transcript (must have a 3.0 GPA at end of 11th grade. Only 9th through 11th grades are considered), extracurricular activity (bubble) sheet, physical fitness assessment and résumé
  • Take and submit your SAT or ACT scores. No test scores taken after 1 Dec will be accepted. You must also have an ACT Composite of 24 (Writing Portion not included) or an 1100 SAT Score (We do not mix and match scores and Writing Portion is not included).
  • Meet with an Air Force officer

The opportunities that await those recipients of an AFROTC scholarship are worth the time it takes to apply. But don’t wait too long. The sooner you begin, the easier it will be to fulfill the application process.

Army ROTC Scholarships

Army ROTC scholarships consist of:

  • Two-, three-, and four-year scholarship options based on the time remaining to complete your degree
  • Full-tuition scholarships
  • The option for room and board in place of tuition, if you should qualify
  • Additional allowances for books and fees

Living Expenses

Army ROTC scholarships also provide monthly living allowances for each school year. You can earn certain amounts depending on your level in the Army ROTC curriculum:

  • 1st year, $300 per month
  • 2nd year, $350 per month
  • 3rd year, $450 per month
  • 4th year, $500 per month

This allowance is also available to all non-scholarship Cadets enrolled in the Army ROTC Advanced Course (3rd and 4th years).

Navy ROTC Scholarships

Applicants should use the online scholarship application to complete and submit all the required information. Applicants are asked to pick five colleges or universities on their scholarship application. Each school must be for a different NROTC unit and one must be a state school, not necessarily in the candidate’s home state. Each applicant must also select an academic program in which he/she wishes to major. All academic programs fall into three tiers relative to the Navy’s technical needs.

Scholarships will be awarded to an NROTC unit in conjunction with the academic major and tier the applicant specified on his/her application. If offered the scholarship, the student will be expected to attend the school at which their scholarship is placed.  In order to change this placement, the student must submit in writing to the NROTC Placement Office a request to change their placement.  The student must be mindful if they choose a cross-town school that there may be cross-town commuting costs and class timing issues which will need to be resolved. The enrolled school must support the academic major or equivalent for which the scholarship was awarded. Also, the student must have applied for admission to and been accepted at any school for which he/she wishes to utilize the scholarship.

This application is extensive and may require several hours to complete. We have provided an Application Information Checklist to assist you in gathering information and to ease the process of applying for a scholarship

The Minority Serving Institution (MSI) Scholarship Program

Beyond the national scholarship program, which is highly competitive, goes before a national review board, and has more aggressive deadlines, the NROTC offers scholarships to students who attend MSI schools, which encompass Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCU), High Hispanic Enrollment (HHE) schools, and other Minority Serving Institutions (MI). This list of schools are:


Allen University
Clark Atlanta University
Dillard University
Florida A&M University
Hampton University
Howard University
Huston-Tillotson College
Morehouse College
Norfolk State University
Prairie View A&M Univ.
Savannah State University
Southern University and A&M College
Spelman College
Tennessee State University
Texas Southern University
Tuskegee University
Xavier University


Central New Mexico Community College
Pima Community College
University of New Mexico

Other MI (not HHE/HBCU)

Kennedy King College

Frederick C. Branch Marine Corps Leadership Scholarship

Nominations for the Frederick C. Branch Marine Leadership Scholarship, for Fall enrollment, will be accepted from 1 October to 15 July if applying through a NROTC unit.  If applying for the Four-Year scholarship board through the local Marine Recruiter, the NROTC on-line application will be used.  The deadline for completing online applications is 31 Jan.

THE FREDERICK C. BRANCH LEADERSHIP SCHOLARSHIP Program is named in honor of the first African American Marine Corps officer who was commissioned as a second lieutenant (2ndLt) on 10 November 1945.  It is available at 17 Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) affiliated with NROTC.  The Four-Year program is open to civilians and Marines and the three- and two-year program is open to civilians and College Program Midshipmen that are attending or have been accepted and will attend a NROTC affiliated HBCU. This program is not open to U.S. Navy Scholarship Midshipmen or Marines in an Active Reserve status. Any eligible male or female of any race or ethnic background may be awarded a Frederick C. Branch Scholarship. Eligibility is determined primarily by attendance at an HBCU.  Scholarships and benefits are the same as those of any NROTC Marine Option Scholarship student.

Affiliate HBCUs

Allen University
Clark Atlanta University
Dillard University
Florida A&M University
Hampton University
Howard University
Huston-Tillotson College
Morehouse College
Norfolk State University

Prairie View A&M University
Savannah State University
Southern University and A&M College
Spelman College
Tennessee State University
Texas Southern University
Tuskegee University
Xavier University

Important to Note

The Air Force, Army, and Navy ROTC programs, and the Frederick C. Branch Marine Corps Leadership scholarship are full tuition scholarships. Students are responsible for paying their room and board, which may amount to over $10,000 per year. A limited number of colleges provide room, board, or both to AFROTC cadets and NROTC midshipmen based on their own restrictions. The AFROTC website provides a listing of schools and the type of subsidies offered. Following is a listing of colleges, and their NROTC unit code, purported to offer assistance toward room and board. Students should contact the unit commander at each college to confirm the type, amount, and qualifications for the room and board subsidy.

  • Carnegie-Mellon University 067 (412) 268-2000 Free Room & Board (on a case by case basis)
  • College of the Holy Cross 011 800) 442-2421 Free Room & Board
  • Boston University 061 (617) 353-2000 Free Room & Board
  • Florida A&M University 009 (850) 599-3796 Free Room & Board (nomination from NROTC unit)
  • George Washington University 063 (202) 994-1000 Free Room & Board (prior active duty recipients) (tech majors eligible for a stipend of $4000 for room & board)
  • Illinois Institute of Technology 013 (312) 567-3000 Free Room & Board
  • Iowa State University 015 (515) 294-4111 $2000/year Room & Board (top 25% incoming freshmen)
  • Jacksonville University 016 (904) 744-3950 Free Room & Board
  • Louisiana State University 046 (225) 388-1175 Free Room & Board
  • Maine Maritime Academy 019 (800) 227-8465 Free Room & Board
  • Marquette University 020 (608) 262-3961 Free Room & Board
  • Morehouse College 068 (404) 681-2800 Free Room & Road
  • New York Maritime College 056 (718) 409-7220 Free Room & Board
  • Norwich University 065 (800) 468-6679 Free Room & Board
  • Prairie View A&M University 038 (409) 857-2310 Free Room & Board
  • Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute 040 (518) 276-6000 Free Room & Board
  • Savannah State University 043 (800) 788-0478 Free Room & Board
  • Southern University and A&M 046 (225) 771-2430 Free Room & Board
  • Tulane University 049 (504) 865-5000 Free Room & Board
  • University of Southern California 045 (213) 746-1879 $2500/year Room & Board
  • University of Michigan 023 (734) 764-1817 Room & Board Scholarship (eng students, case by case)
  • University of Mississippi 025 (662) 915-7211 Free Room (out of state residents)
  • University of Missouri 026 (573) 882-2456 $1000/year to Free Room & Board (varies)
  • University of Rochester 042 (716) 275-6111 Free Room & Board
  • University of San Diego 059 (619) 260-4600 75% Room & Board
  • Washington State University 012 (509) 335-3564 Free Room & Board

Pathways to the NROTC scholarship program

Students have a choice of five distinct pathways to receiving the NROTC scholarship. Students must carefully consider the commitment involved and the penalty of not fulfilling their military commitment.

High School Senior/Graduate

Selected applicants for the NROTC scholarship program are awarded scholarships through a highly competitive national selection process. The recipient will be commissioned a Naval officer upon graduation and is obligated to a minimum of 4 years active duty in the U.S. Navy. The scholarship recipient will receive full tuition and other financial benefits including an allotment for textbooks, class fees and monthly subsistence at many of the country’s leading colleges and universities. NROTC scholarships do not pay for room and board or personal items such as computers.

Students that have more than 1 year of college credit are not eligible for the 4-year scholarship and should discuss other options with the Professor of Naval Science at the university they attend.

College Freshman/Sophomore

The 2 year scholarship program covers tuition, fees, an allotment for textbooks and uniforms plus monthly subsistence for a maximum of 20 academic months for the junior and senior years of college only. For application information and deadline dates contact your nearest university NROTC unit.

College Programmer

The Navy also offers a two-year or four-year non-subsidized college program for college students who want to serve their country in leadership roles as officers in the Navy or Marine Corps. Applicants for the college program are selected from the students already attending or accepted by colleges or universities with NROTC units. Information about the NROTC college programs can be obtained from any of the NROTC units.

College Junior/Senior

The Navy offers several other opportunities to become a naval officer. If you are a college student in your junior or senior year, visit the Navy or Marine Corps website to find out about the Direct Input and Officer Candidate School opportunities.


Four-year NROTC scholarships are available to students interested in pursuing Bachelor of Science degrees in Nursing (BSN). If selected for a scholarship, the selectee must major in a nursing degree program leading to a BSN. Upon graduation, Nurse NROTC Scholarship Program midshipmen will be commissioned as reserve officers in the Navy Nurse Corps. Nurse NROTC eligibility and selection procedures are the same as the regular four-year NROTC Scholarship Program requirements. Academic, physical and military requirements differ slightly from regular NROTC.

Ron Brown Scholars Program


The Ron Brown Scholar Program seeks to identify African-American high school seniors who will make significant contributions to society. Applicants must excel academically, exhibit exceptional leadership potential, participate in community service activities and demonstrate financial need. The applicant must be a US citizen or hold a permanent resident visa card. Current college students are not eligible to apply.

Each year, a minimum of ten students will be designated Ron Brown Scholars and will receive $10,000 annually for four years, for a total of $40,000. The recipients may use the renewable scholarships to attend an accredited four-year college or university of their choice within the United States. Ron Brown Scholarships are not limited to any specific field or career objective and may be used to pursue any academic discipline. More than 250 students have been designated as Ron Brown Scholars since the inception of the Program.

Ron Brown Scholars are selected in the spring prior to entering college. Applications are screened during the month of February by Ron Brown Scholar Program staff. In March, finalists are invited to participate in a weekend selection process in Washington, D.C. at the expense of the CAP Charitable Foundation. Finalists are interviewed by members of the Ron Brown Selection Committee and are expected to participate in several Selection Weekend activities. Scholarship winners are selected on the basis of their applications, interviews and participation in Selection Weekend activities. Notification follows immediately.

Application Deadline

The Ron Brown Scholar Program currently has two deadlines for applications (students must be current high school seniors at the time of their application):

November 1st – application will be considered for the Ron Brown Scholar Program AND forwarded to a select and limited number of additional scholarship providers.

January 9th – final postmarked deadline in order to be considered for only the Ron Brown Scholar Program ONLY.

Application materials must be mailed in one packet. Transcripts and letters of recommendation should not be sent under separate cover. Incomplete, e-mailed or faxed applications will not be considered.

Below is the timeline for interested applicants to plan the submission of their application to the Ron Brown Scholar Program (RBSP) as well as key dates when eligible applicants will be notified:

  • August – January: Interested applicants can begin to complete and submit the RBSP scholarship application.
  • November 1: Early Applicant Deadline: Interested applicants who complete their applications by November 1st will be considered for the Ron Brown Scholar Program and will be eligible to have their contact information forwarded to a select number of additional colleges and scholarship providers.  Students who apply under this deadline must make the appropriate designation on their application.  Applicants are still responsible for submitting materials to any colleges, universities and scholarship programs for which they are interested.
  • January 9: Final postmarked deadline in order to be considered for the Ron Brown Scholar Program ONLY.
  • January – March:  Applications are reviewed by the Program staff.
  • Mid-February: Semi-finalists are notified.
  • Early March: Finalists are notified and invited to participate in a weekend selection process in Washington, D.C. at the expense of the Ron Brown Scholar Program. Finalists are interviewed by members of the RBSP National Selection Committee and are expected to participate in several activities during the weekend. Scholarship winners are selected on the basis of their application materials, interviews and participation in weekend activities.
  • April 1 – Winners in the competition are notified.

Due to the volume of applications received, the Ron Brown Scholar Program can only notify semi-finalists and finalists of their status in the competition.This notification will be made in February and March. Winners of the scholarship will be notified by April 1st and names will be posted on the Ron Brown Scholar Program web site in late April/early May.

Ron Brown Scholarships may be used to supplement benefits from the college or university a student plans to attend and from other foundations or organizations. Scholars may use the scholarship to cover the costs of tuition, fees, books, room and board, computers, health insurance, and other college-related expenses.

For further information, please contact us:

Ron Brown Scholar Program
1160 Pepsi Place, Suite 206
Charlottesville, VA 22901

Phone: 434 964 1588
Fax: 434 964 1589

Web site:




The Gates Scholarship

About The Gates Scholarship

The Gates Scholarship (TGS) is a highly selective, last-dollar scholarship for outstanding, minority, high school seniors from low-income households. Each year, the scholarship is awarded to exceptional student leaders, with the intent of helping them realize their maximum potential.

To learn more watch this video.



Scholars will receive funding for the full cost of attendance* that is not already covered by other financial aid and the Student Aid Index, as determined by the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA), or the methodology used by a Scholar’s college or university.

*Cost of attendance includes tuition, fees, room, board, books, and transportation, and may include other personal costs.

Basic Eligibility

  • To apply, students must be:

    • A high school senior
    • From at least one of the following ethnicities: African-American, American Indian/Alaska Native*, Asian & Pacific Islander American, and/or Hispanic American
    • Pell-eligible
    • A US citizen, national, or permanent resident
    • In good academic standing with a minimum cumulative weighted GPA of 3.3 on a 4.0 scale (or equivalent) 

     Additionally, a student must plan to enroll full-time, in a four-year degree program, at a US accredited, not-for-profit, private or public college or university.

    *For American Indian/Alaska Native, proof of tribal enrollment will be required. 

Ideal Candidate

An ideal candidate will have:

  • An outstanding academic record in high school (in the top 10% of his/her graduating class)
  • Demonstrated leadership ability (e.g., as shown through participation in community service, extracurricular, or other activities)
  • Exceptional personal success skills (e.g., emotional maturity, motivation, perseverance, etc.)

Visit website:

The Burger King® Scholars Program

Education is a key part of success, and we focus on bringing that to students in North America through our BK Scholars Program. The BK Scholars Program is the Foundation’s flagship program, established to honor the legacy of the Burger King brand’s co-founder James W. McLamore, whose commitment to philanthropy and education made him a pillar of community service throughout his lifetime. Through the program, we award scholarships to deserving high school seniors and Burger King® employees and their families to help advance their education. Because of Jim, his legacy, and the support of franchisees, the scholars program has now awarded a total of $60 million in scholarships to more than 51,000 deserving students throughout North America since 2000.  

Scholarships range from $1,000 to $60,000 and are intended to offset the cost of attending college or post-secondary vocational/technical school. Recipients are selected through an application process that takes into consideration their grade point average (GPA), work experience, extracurricular activities, financial need and community service. In 2024 alone, the Foundation awarded over $4.5 million in scholarships to nearly 4,200 students. Scholarship status updates were shared on Monday, April 20, 2024.

The application period for the 2024-2025 will open from October 15, 2024 to December 16, 2024. Scholarship recipients will be notified April 2025.

To view the scholarship eligibility requirements and to apply, visit

QuestBridge: College Opportunities for Low-Income Students

QuestBridge: College Opportunities for Low-Income Students

The National College Match application opens in August and closes in September.

A note from us: You may find the prospect of applying to the National College Match a bit overwhelming. Rest assured; you are not alone. The college application process can be challenging and stressful to virtually everyone who goes through it. But remember that it also can—and should—be exciting: it is a time to focus on your future, reflect upon your past, your strengths, and your passions, and keep yourself organized in the present so that you put forward the best applications you can.

Read More…

Amherst paves way for low income students…

Top colleges reach out to low income students…

Harvard reaches out to low income students…

Questbridge and Posse students at the University of Virginia…

You May Apply Through QuestBridge in Two Ways

The National College Match application requires you to provide extensive information on your academic accomplishments and financial background, as well as write three essays, complete short answer questions, and gather three letters of recommendation, a transcript, and test score reports.

The National College Match allows you to apply to up to 8 of our partner colleges by using one application. You will be asked to rank these colleges in order of your preference. The National College Match application is due on September 30.

The QuestBridge Regular Decision process allows you to apply to any or all of our partner colleges through a traditional regular decision process. You may choose not to rank colleges for the College Match process and only apply to our partner colleges for Regular Decision. Or, if you apply for the College Match and are not selected for a match scholarship, you can request to have your application forwarded to our partner colleges for Regular Decision.

In order to participate in the Regular Decision process, you must submit your National College Match application by September 30.