Book Excerpts

HBCU STEM Pathways

Most students are aware that the acronym STEM stands for Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics, however, few students have been introduced to the range of careers that fall within each of these categories. Healthcare careers, which also fall under the broad category of STEM, are addressed separately in Vol II of this series, HBCU Healthcare Pathways. In that book, The National Center for Health Workforce Analysis, “State of the U.S. Health Care Workforce, 2023,” profiles the underrepresentation of Blacks in the healthcare workforce where Blacks represent only:

  • 13.7% of Nurses
  • 5.3% of Physician Assistants
  • 4.1% of Dentists
  • 4.1% of Physical Therapists
  • 2.7% of Chiropractors
  • 1.9% of Pharmacists
  • 1.5% of Veterinarians

Similarly, the National Center for Science and Engineering Statistics’ 2023 report, “Diversity and STEM: Women, Minorities, and Persons with Disabilities,” profiles  the underrepresentation of Blacks across the science, technology, engineering, and mathematics workforce where Blacks represent only: 

  • 9% of Scientists & Engineers
  • 6% of Social and Related Scientists
  • 6% of Computer and Mathematical Scientists
  • 4% of Biological, Agricultural, and other Life Scientists
  • 4% of Physical and Related Scientists

Whether you are reading this book because you are considering a college major in STEM or exploring potential careers in STEM, this book will provide insight into both the obstacles and opportunities through HBCUs into graduate school or into the workforce. Whatever obstacles experienced by students in K-12 schools, HBCUs have a history of successfully preparing Black students for careers in STEM. Dr. Claudia Rankins, Program Director at the National Science Foundation, in “Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs): NSF’s Role in Building Capacity for STEM Education and Research,” reports that while HBCUs only enroll 9% of Black undergraduate students, they graduate:

  • 29.9% of Black students in Agriculture
  • 27.8% of Black students in Physical Science
  • 25.5% of Black students in Mathematics
  • 24.7% of Black students in Biological Sciences
  • 17.2% of Black students in Engineering

The underrepresentation of Blacks in STEM careers has far reaching implications for families and communities. Rakesh Kochhar and Mohamad Moslimani in “Wealth gaps across racial and ethnic groups,” note the huge gaps in wealth and homeownership between racial groups. 

Average Household Wealth by Racial Group:

  • Asians – $320,900
  • Whites – $250,400
  • Hispanics – $48,700
  • Black – $27,100

Percentage of Home Ownership by Racial Group:

  • 70% of Whites own their home
  • 58% of Asians own their home
  • 47% of Hispanics own their home
  • 40% of Blacks own their home

Increasing household wealth and expanding homeownership can be profoundly impacted by attaining an undergraduate degree in virtually any STEM career. The Georgetown University report, “The College Payoff: Education, Occupations, Lifetime Earnings,” (Carnevale, Rose, & Cheah, 2011) estimates lifetime earnings for an undergraduate degree is between $2 million and $4 million in all of the following STEM careers:

  • $4 million – Pharmacists 
  • $3.9 million – Aircraft Pilots & Air Traffic Controllers
  • $3.7 million – Computer & Information Systems Managers 
  • $3.6 million – Software Engineers 
  • $3 million+ – All Engineers 
  • $3 million – Computer Scientists & Programmers 
  • $2.8 million – Architects
  • $2.5 million – Registered Nurses
  • $2.3 million – Agricultural, Biological, and Life Scientists

Whether or not you believe that a career in STEM is the right career for you, this book will provide guidance in exploring these careers, salaries for these careers, level of education required for these careers, the type of college curriculum associated with these careers, HBCUs considered leaders in preparing students for these careers, and how to match your interests to potential career pathways.

Show Me the Money: A Quick Guide to Scholarships, Financial Aid, and Making the Right College Choice (except pp 1-4)

By the Numbers

The book, Show Me the Money: Scholarships, Financial Aid, and Making the Right College Choice, upon which this quick guide is based, was written for all students who are attending or hope to attend college. The obvious students are high school seniors and current college students. However, if parents and teachers of elementary and middle school students embrace conversations about college admissions and financial aid, they have an exciting context for such conversations:

  • How nurturing the gifts, talents, and interest revealed during elementary school can substantially expand college admissions and scholarship consideration years later
  • How after-school and summer program experiences can be used to expose and enrich students in exploring their passions and developing their gifts and talents
  • How course work, enrichment activities, and extended learning opportunities can provide opportunities for students to deeply explore their academic interest in ways that will make them well prepared and highly sought after in the college admissions process
  • How students can use their natural gifts and talents to receive scholarships that allow them to pursue a broad range of college majors and future careers

Through such conversations, parents, teachers, and students will develop a better understanding of, and appreciation for, how the involvement of elementary and middle school students in such activities as Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, summer programs, community service, leadership activities, and volunteerism can pave the way to thousands of dollars in college scholarships.

8 out of 10 students receive financial aid

According to the U.S. Department of Education report, The Condition of Education 2012 (2012, p 266):

  • 85.5 percent students entering 4-year colleges and universities (41 percent) receive financial aid:
  • 73.6 percent receive grants or scholarships
  • 58.7 percent receive student loans
  • 75.5 percent of students entering 2-year colleges and universities (27 percent) receive financial aid:
  • 66.9 percent receive grants or scholarships
  • 39.1 percent receive student loans

While most students will need financial aid, it may be impractical for most families to “save for college.” However, each family can make academic achievement a household priority, maximize each student’s gifts, and approach K-12 schooling with a focus on matching each student’s academic achievement and gifts with the right colleges and scholarship opportunities.

4 Scholarship Pathways

College and financial aid planning largely involves developing strategies in four broad areas, as outlined in A High School Plan for Students with College-Bound Dreams (Wynn, 2009, p 4):

  1. Academics: Course work, grades, and class rank
  2. Extracurricular Activities: Sports, clubs, student organizations, and community service
  3. Personal Qualities: Gifts and talents, achievements, circumstances, or overcoming adversity
  4. Intangibles and Other Influencing Factors: Ethnicity, gender, family background, and geographical area

How you apply yourself within the first three areas, combined with your intangibles, will shape your options and opportunities in the college admissions process and college scholarships competition.

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