SMART Scholarship
October 30, 2012Get SMART, Get Paid, and Get Ahead
The Science, Mathematics And Research for Transformation (SMART) Scholarship for Service Program has been established by the Department of Defense (DoD) to support undergraduate and graduate students pursuing degrees in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) disciplines. The program aims to increase the number of civilian scientists and engineers working at DoD laboratories.
Florida A&M University Scholarships
September 29, 2012FAMU University Scholarships
All incoming freshmen and AA/AS degree Florida Community College transfers are considered for the Presidential Scholarship Program. This includes the Life-Gets-Better Scholarship, Distinguished Scholar Award, George W. Gore Assistant Ship, Florida Community College Scholarship, and the High school/Florida Community College Scholarship when they apply. The earlier you apply for admissions, the better your chances are for a scholarship. Scholarships are awarded until the funds are depleted.
Life Gets Better
Incoming freshmen designated National Achievement, Hispanic, or Merit Semifinalists by the National Merit Corporation, having a 3.50 high school GPA and having a 1800 on the SAT or 27 on the ACT will receive the following over four years: Tuition and fees, room, board, books, $500/semester stipend, internships and a laptop. Awardee must major in Biology, Chemistry, Computer Science, Engineering, Environmental Science, Mathematics or Physics in order to be eligible for this scholarship. Students must take the PSAT (Preliminary Scholastic Aptitude Test) in the junior year of high school to compete in the National Merit Corporation programs; Or
Incoming freshmen who have at least a 3.50 high school GPA and scores of 1900 on the SAT or 29 on the ACT will receive the following over four years: Tuition and fees, room, board, books, $500/semester stipend, internships and a laptop. Awardee must major in Biology, Chemistry, Computer Science, Engineering, Environmental Science, Mathematics or Physics in order to be eligible for this scholarship.
Distinguished Scholars Award
Incoming freshmen who have scores of at least 1800 on the SAT or 27 on the ACT and a 3.50 high school GPA:
Florida Residents receive a full four-year scholarship that pays for tuition and fees, double occupancy room rate, and board. The $350 housing deposit will be waived for Florida Bright Futures Scholar awardees. Additionally, National Achievement Semifinalists will receive up to $500 a semester for books. A National Achievement Finalist will also receive a laptop. A National Achievement Scholar will receive a laptop, $500/semester for books and a $500/semester stipend.
Out-of–State Students receive a four-year scholarship that pays for tuition and fees.
A National Achievement Semifinalist will receive double occupancy room rate and board. Students who are Pell Grant eligible will receive a stipend not to exceed $500/semester. A National Achievement Finalist will also receive a laptop. A National Achievement Scholar will receive a laptop, $500/semester for books and a $500/semester stipend.
George W. Gore Assistantship (Effective Fall, 2011)
This is a four-year scholarship. Incoming freshmen who have at least 1650 on the SAT or 23 on the ACT and a minimum high school GPA of 3.00 qualify for the following awards:
ACT 23 or SAT 1650 – 1679 $2,000
ACT 24 or SAT 1680 – 1724 $3,000
ACT 25 or SAT 1725 – 1754 $4,000
ACT 26 or SAT 1755 – 1784 $5,000
SAT 1785 $6,000
Incoming freshmen majoring in Biology, Chemistry, Computer Science, Environmental Science, Mathematics or Physics will receive an extra award of $1,000 annually and Engineering majors will receive an extra award of $2,000 annually.
Florida Community College Scholarship (effective Fall, 2010)
This scholarship was established to assist high achieving Florida community/junior college graduates. This partial scholarship is a two-year undergraduate scholarship awarded to an AA/AS Degree transfer student who has a minimum 2.50 GPA and is not enrolled as a FAMU student. The annual amount of the scholarship is as follows:
2.50 – 2.74 $1,500
2.75 – 3.00 $2,000
3.01 – 3.49 $3,000
3.50 – 3.99 or PTK $4,000
4.0 $5,000
High School/Florida Community College Scholarship
This is a two-year scholarship for incoming freshmen who received the high school diploma and the AA/AS degree from a Florida Community College at the same time. This scholarship is worth $4,000/year. Alternately, incoming freshmen who qualify for the GWG Assistantship at a higher level can be offered the GWG Assistantship.
Air Force ROTC Scholarships
Four, three and one-half, two and one-half, or two-year scholarships based on merit are available to selected AFROTC students. Each scholarship pays full tuition, books, laboratory expenses, and a $100 per month tax-exempt allowance. Four-year scholarships must be applied for no later than December 15th of the senior year in high school. Other scholarships may be applied for after enrolling in college level AFROTC courses. Interested students should contact the Department of Aerospace Studies, Florida State University, Telephone (850) 644-3461.
Army ROTC Scholarships
Awards of two-, three-, and four-year and green and gold scholarships are given to outstanding applicants. Each scholarship pays full tuition (in-state/out-of-state) and room and board. In addition to the awarded scholarship, each winner receives a flat rate of $450 annually for books, supplies and equipment, as well as up to $1,500 in spending money, tax free. Interested students should contact the Department of Military Science at (850) 599-3515/3516.
The Norma Solomon White Band Scholarship
Because of her love for FAMU and affiliations with the Music Program as the first female to participate in the Marching “100”, the first female band director in Jacksonville and the first female to conduct the Marching “100”, a perpetual remembrance for music students at the university was established. The Norma Solomon White Band Scholarship was created in the Alpha Kappa Alpha Educational Advancement Foundation. Awards are announced during commencement week or at a time designated for awards. The scholarship is presented to a deserving student at Florida A&M University. The recipient must be presently enrolled at FAMU pursuing a degree with a major in Music/Music Education and participating in the Marching “100” and Symphonic Bands. The Director of Bands and the band scholarship committee must recommend the recipient. For more information, contact the Director of Bands at (850) 599-3024.
Althea Gibson Scholarship (COE)
An award established through an endowment made by Drs. William “Bill” H. Cosby, Jr. and Camille Olivia Cosby. Ms. Gibson was one of our acclaimed graduates and had the distinction of winning two Wimbledon singles titles, two U.S. Opens and a French Open, in the late 1950s. This scholarship supports students studying physical education, recreation and health, which were Ms. Gibson’s disciplines at FAMU. For more information, contact the Department of Health, Physical Education and Recreation at (850) 599-3135.
Anne Richardson Gayles-Felton Endowed Scholarship Fund
This scholarship shall be awarded to teacher education undergraduate students in the College of Education who meet the following criteria: fully admitted to the Teacher Education Program; maintain a minimum overall GPA of 3.00 and a GPA of 3.25 or better in their area of specification; and submit three (3) letters of recommendation.
The Anne Richardson Gayles-Felton Endowed Scholarship will be awarded annually to one person, but it can be renewed. Recipients must apply each year. The award amount will be determined by the amount of funds accrued over and above the principal. The scholarship is for tuition, matriculation fees, laboratory fees, and books. For more information, contact the Dean in the College of Education at (850) 599-3482.
Melvene Hardee Scholarship
This scholarship will be limited to applicants who have been admitted to the Teacher Education Program (TEP). Applicants will demonstrate their commitment to the profession of teaching by writing a letter of interest and intent that addresses teaching as their chosen profession. Financial need will be a decisive factor in the awarding of scholarships. For more information, contact the College of Education at (850) 599-3482.
Robert T. Bacon Scholarship
This scholarship is to be awarded to a student in the School of Business and Industry from the Northeast Region. Contact the FAMU Foundation at (850) 599-3860.
Alethia A. Lesesne Howard Award Fund of $1,000
This Fund provides an annual award in the amount of $1,000 to a member of the senior class. The award is based on excellence in English literature and on character, scholarship, and personality. The fund was established by Dr. W. H. Lesesne Howard, class of 1917, B.S., in honor of his mother Mrs. Alethia A. Lesesne Howard. From the basic sum of $16,033.67, in the Home Owner’s Federal Savings and Loan Association of Boston, Mass., $1,000 annually in interest will provide the award. A selection committee composed of the chairperson and two members of the department of languages and literature chooses two nominees on an annual basis to compete for the $1,000 award. The finalist is selected by two trustees of the Fund at Boston, Mass. Contact the FAMU Foundation at (850) 599-3860.
FAMU Alumni Chapters
County alumni chapters set up the criteria for these scholarships and select the recipients for same. Funds are sent annually to the FAMU director of Alumni Affairs. Active chapters participating are: Leon; Philadelphia; Palm Beach; Gadsden; Broward; Brevard; Seminole; Washington, D.C.; Jefferson; Marion; Escambia; Orange-Orlando; New York; New Jersey; Daytona Beach Delta Sigma Theta Sorority; and the Miami-Gold Coast Chapter. Interested students should contact the FAMU Foundation at (850) 599-3860.
The Arthur Thompson Scholarship
A $2,500 award for local students enrolled in Florida A&M University who demonstrate a dire need for financial assistance to continue their educational career. Interested students should contact the Office of Public Affairs at (850) 599-3413.
Division of Vocational Rehabilitation
The Department of Children and Family Services provides scholarship assistance to some persons who are physically or mentally handicapped or who have a behavior disorder due to social or cultural deprivation. The applicant must have average high school grades and at least a “C” average if already enrolled in Florida A&M University.
American Foundation of Pharmaceutical Education Award
The Board of Grants of the American Foundation for Pharmaceutical Education provides a fund of $400 annually to be awarded to highly deserving students who are in need of financial aid. Third, fourth, and fifth year students in the upper quarter of their class who maintain a 3.00 average or higher are eligible. Individuals who are receiving veteran’s benefits are not eligible for this scholarship. Interested students should contact the College of Pharmacy at (850) 599-3030.
William J. Gunn, Medical, Dental, and Pharmaceutical Association and The Women’s Auxiliary Scholarship
An award of $500 will be presented annually to a junior level student in the School of Nursing and the School of Pharmacy, with recipients coming from nursing one year and pharmacy the next. Students qualifying for the scholarship must have a 3.0 cumulative grade point average and be evaluated on scholarship, economic status, community activities, and campus activities.
Contact the dean of the School of Pharmacy for information regarding the following scholarships available to pharmacy majors: Kellogg Foundation, Pfeiffer Foundation, Pfizer Foundation, Warner-Lambert, Jack Eckerd’s Drugs, John W. Dargaval, McKesson & Robbins, Rexall Mortar and Pestle Trophy, Reyno Award, Broward County Pharmaceutical Company.
Interested students should contact the College of Pharmacy at (850) 599-3030 or 599-3301
Elinor Jackson Endowed Scholarship Fund
For a student in the Occupational Therapy Program. For more information, contact the School of Allied Health Sciences at (850) 599-3818.
NaLen Pittman Sociology Award
This $500.00 annual award was established by Dr. Ezell Pittman in memory of his parents, Nathaniel and Lena Wynn Pittman. The scholarship is to be awarded to a sophomore, junior or senior majoring in sociology who has a 2.0 or better GPA.; and is in need of financial assistance to pay for books and tuition. Priority will be given to a student from Jackson, Gulf, or Duval counties if the GPA requirement is met along with demonstrated leadership ability and commitment to community service. The recipient will be selected by the Sociology Scholarship Selection Committee. For Additional information, contact the Sociology Department at 599-3316.
Scholarships are awarded to freshmen or community college transfers admitted to FAMU to study journalism or graphic communication. To be eligible for consideration, first-time-in-college applicants must have at least a “B” average in English and a 3.4 GPA along with a 26 or higher ACT or 1100 or higher SAT score. Based on academic credentials and practical skills; awards may go as high as $2,500 per year. For more information, contact the School of Journalism at (850) 599-3379.
William J. Gunn, Medical, Dental, and Pharmaceutical Association and The Women’s Auxiliary Scholarship
An award of $500 will be presented annually to a junior level student in the School of Nursing and the School of Pharmacy, with recipients coming from nursing one year and pharmacy the next. Students qualifying for the scholarship must have a 3.0 cumulative grade point average and be evaluated on scholarship, economic status, community activities, and campus activities.
Florida A&M University institutional scholarships are awarded during the admissions process for first time in college students. Continued eligibility and administration of these scholarships are also provided through the Office of Student Financial Aid & Scholarships located in the Foote HIlyer Administration Center.
State Farm Youth Advisory Board
September 7, 2012State Farm Youth Advisory Board
The YAB is one of the nation’s most exciting opportunities for youth empowerment and development. The board is comprised of 30 youth from around the country who serve as equal members on the board. The board is given responsibility over $5 million dollars to grant service-learning and community impact projects that seek to solve important domestic issues. Board Members are selected through a competitive application process, and all applications are read and reviewed by at least two members of an internal review team at Corporate. Please read all of the information carefully.
Commitment expected of the Board Members
The Board’s work is handled through three in-person meetings at State Farm’s Corporate headquarters in Bloomington, Illinois or at other locations within the U.S. Primary commitment to the board and time working is through virtual communications between meetings. The expectation is that all associate and board members will commit 15 hours per month to board activities.
All Youth Advisory Board meetings are mandatory for all board and associate board members. Previous boards felt that board meetings are critical to understanding the mission, helping develop processes and to get to know fellow board members before working online to develop the grant proposals. The funding meeting is where the board makes all its decisions on grants to be funded. IF you cannot make these meetings, your candidacy as an applicant will be affected. Extenuating circumstances will be taken into account.
Youth Advisory Board meetings beginning with the term that begins January 2, 2013 and ends January 2, 2014 will take place on:
- January 2-6, 2013 – Bloomington, IL
- Key Events
- Orientation of associate board members
- Associate board members move to board status
- Board members rotate to alumni status
- Development of new board’s mission, goals and issue areas
- Outlining of the Cause An Effect program
- Key Events
- March 13-16, 2013 – National Service-Learning Conference – Denver, CO
- Key Events
- Presentations at conference
- Board meeting
- Key Events
- August 1-6, 2013 – Bloomington, IL
- Key Events
- Funding meeting for grants
- Key Events
- January 2-6, 2014 – Bloomington, IL
- Key Events
- Orientation of associate board members
- Associate board members move to board status
- Board members rotate to alumni status
- Development of new board’s mission, goals and issue areas
- Key Events
Youth Advisory Board Members’ Expenses
All travel, lodging and meal expenses of Board and Associate Board members are covered for all meetings initiated by State Farm relative to Board activities. Board and Associate Board members will not be compensated for their time other than through expense reimbursement. There is no personal financial cost associated with board and associate board membership.
Applications are open until October 1, 2012.
Woodrow Wilson International Center Fellowship
September 7, 2012Through an international competition, the Center offers 9-month residential fellowships. Fellows conduct research and write in their areas of interest, while interacting with policymakers in Washington and Wilson Center staff. The Center accepts non-advocacy, policy-relevant, fellowship proposals that address key challenges of past, present and future issues confronting the United States and the world.
Deadline: October 1, 2012
Scholarship Opportunity for Women
July 25, 2012About the Scholarship
Womenetics, U.S. Bank and Discover® will award a grand total of $22,000 in scholarships to ten undergraduates this fall.
Womenetics recognizes the power of young people. The Advancing Aspirations Global Scholarships (AAGS) are designed to connect students who are interested in the global advancement of women with thought leaders in vital, impactful roles and to provide means for further study. We believe students are the future leaders of women’s empowerment worldwide.
To be eligible, an individual must be enrolled as an undergraduate student in an accredited college or university, and be a U.S. citizen or legal resident of the United States. Students who have already obtained a bachelor’s degree are not eligible. Students are invited to enter both the U.S. Bank and Discover Prizes; however, if selected for one prize, the student is automatically ineligible for the other. Students are not required to attend the conferences in Atlanta or Chicago in order to win.
Scholarship Details and Requirements
U.S. Bank and Discover have partnered with Womenetics to encourage future leaders to learn about these topics. We invite college students to discuss one of the following questions in an essay of 2,500 words or less, for the opportunity to win one of ten prizes. Please provide a ‘works cited’ page to document any research referenced in your essay. In addition, a separate 200-word essay on what you will do with the prize money should you win is required. The prize money is intended to finance education, travel or other opportunities that may lead to further understanding of these important global issues.
1st Prize: Two first place winners (one for the U.S. Bank Prize and one for the Discover Prize) will win $5,000 and an expense-paid trip to attend and be recognized at the respective Womenetics’ Global Women’s Initiative conference. In addition, the winner is invited to attend a VIP Reception with featured speakers and other top business, academic, nonprofit and policy leaders the evening before the event.
2nd Prize: Eight additional essayists (four for the U.S. Bank Prize and four for the Discover Prize) will win $1,500 and recognition at the Womenetics Global Women’s Initiative, as well as an invitation to the VIP Reception with featured speakers and other top business, academic, nonprofit and policy leaders the evening before the event. The four finalists for each conference are invited to attend, but are responsible for their own travel costs.
To enter, essay and registration form must be received by email and in printed copy by 5 pm EST on Friday, July 27. Essays must be sent electronically to, and a printed copy with the completed registration form must be sent to
Advancing Aspirations Global Scholarships
Attention: Womenetics
99 West Paces Ferry Rd NW
Suite 200
Atlanta, GA 30305
Jeannette Rankin Women’s Scholarship Fund
July 2, 2012Qualifications
Since 1978, Jeannette Rankin Women’s Scholarship Fund has awarded scholarships to help over 500 women across the United States attend college.
Eligibility Requirements
An applicant for a JRF scholarship must be:
- A woman, age 35 or older.
- A U.S. citizen or Permanent Resident of the United States.
- Enrolled in, or accepted to, a regionally or ACICS accredited school.
- Pursuing a technical or vocational education, an associate’s degree, or a first bachelor’s degree.
- Low-income
Income Guidelines
JRF’s low-income eligibility is based on the student’s estimated household income for the coming school year. Our income guidelines come from the Department of Labor’s Lower Living Standard.
Each year, Jeannette Rankin Fund awards scholarships to low-income women, ages 35 and older, who are U.S. citizens or permanent residents pursuing an undergraduate education at an accredited college or university in the United States.
The 2017-2018 application cycle is now open!
MENSA Foundation Scholarships
July 2, 2012
The Mensa Foundation Scholarship Program
The Mensa Foundation Scholarship Program awards more than $200,000 in assistance every year to college-bound students around the globe. Scholarships are awarded based solely on 550-word essays expressing applicants’ academic and professional goals and how their personal experiences will help them to accomplish those goals.
The U.S. scholarship program relies on approximately 450 dedicated volunteers around the country, with support from the Foundation’s office staff. U.S. applicants need not be Mensa members. However, college-bound Mensa members and their dependents may also be eligible for one of several $2,500 scholarships awarded each year through the Mensa Member Scholarship Program. Scholarship winners are notified in mid-June by mail and email.
The International Scholarship Program is open to international Mensans (other than American Mensa). One scholarship, which also includes dependents of international Mensa members, is for those attending college in the United States. The other scholarships are for international Mensans attending college other than in the U.S.
Visit website:
Asian & Pacific Islander American Scholarship Fund
July 2, 2012Visit website:
National Society of Accountants Scholarship
July 2, 20122013 – 2014 Scholarship Application – Available October 10, 2012
Scholarship Application Guidelines
Please send applications, and direct any inquiries, to:
National Society of Accountants Scholarship Foundation Awards Program
c/o Scholarship Management Services
One Scholarship Way, P.O. Box 297
Saint Peter, MN 56082
Telephone: (507) 931-1682
Nancy Larson Foundation Scholarship
July 2, 2012The Nancy Larson Foundation is proud to sponsor scholarships for college students studying to become elementary teachers.
When the 2012 scholarships are announced, details about how to apply will be posted on this site.
Nancy Larson is the author of the nationally successful Saxon Math K–4 program and the Nancy Larson® Science K, 1, 2, and 3. Ms. Larson started Nancy Larson Publishers, Inc. in 2004 with the goal of providing engaging and challenging programs in content areas beyond mathematics. Her interactive science program is a hands-on success! Nancy’s dedication to education and to motivating and inspiring young educators led her to form the Nancy Larson Foundation in 2006. Ever grateful for her personal success, she is dedicated to giving back in a way that promotes education in America. For more information and official scholarship rules please visit the links above.