State Scholarship Programs

South Carolina Scholarships: Teaching

  • Winthrop University scholarships

    Must be a student at Winthrop University; requirements vary by scholarship.

  • SCCTM Educator’s Scholarship

    Must be a teacher pursuing an advanced degree in mathematics, math education, or elementary education with math emphasis; member of South Carolina’s Council of Teachers of Mathematics for previous two years; have a valid SC teaching certificate; currently employed by a SC school; completed two years or more teaching mathematics in SC; accepted into graduate program.

  • SCCTM Preservice Scholarship

    Must be enrolled in student teaching at a South Carolina college or university within one academic year of application; committed to teaching mathematics in South Carolina for grades PK-12; have 3.0 cumulative GPA and 3.0 GPA in math courses with at least 12 semester hours of math taken.

  • Florence Nelson Scholarship

    College seniors or fifth-year preservice students who are members of the South Carolina Council of the International Reading Association; must be enrolled in a South Carolina college majoring in education.

  • Mary A. Kelly Scholarship

    Graduate students who are members of the International Reading Association and the South Carolina State Council of the International Reading Association; must enroll in a South Carolina college education degree program; minimum of two years experience teaching in a classroom and one year participating in local council activities.

  • SCIRA Student Scholarship

    Graduating high school senior; resident of South Carolina; plan to pursue a degree in education from a South Carolina college; son or daughter of a current member of the South Carolina International Reading Association.

  • South Carolina Teacher Loans

    Must be a resident of South Carolina; education major; must meet academic requirements; loan forgiveness offered for those who teach in a public South Carolina school after graduation.

  • CERRA Teaching Fellows Program

    High school senior in South Carolina; commitment to teach in South Carolina one year for every year the scholarship is received.

  • T.E.A.C.H. Early Childhood South Carolina Scholarships

    Must work at a licensed/registered child care facility; must meet requirements for weekly hours worked for desired type of scholarship; must meet pay requirements.

  • TEACH Grant

    Must be enrolled in a TEACH-Grant-eligible program; intend to teach in elementary or secondary school that serves students from low-income families; meet certain academic requirements; meet basic eligibility criteria for the federal student aid programs; complete the FAFSA; available nationwide.


South Carolina Scholarships: State Fair

What is the “Ride of Your Life” scholarship?

Fifty $6,000 scholarships will be awarded to students across South Carolina, for a $1,500 scholarship per year over a four-year period.

Scholarships are awarded based on academic and extracurricular achievement, communication skills, need, and completeness of the application.

How do I apply?

Complete the application below to apply. Deadline to complete applications is March 15, 2017.

Am I eligible?

Yes, if you are:

  • A senior in high school in South Carolina.
  • A full-time resident of South Carolina.
  • Going to attend college in South Carolina.

Application Requirements

  1. The completed online application form.
  2. A current photograph (preferably your senior photo).
  3. A one-page, double-spaced, 12-point font essay.

How can the scholarship be used?

The scholarship must be used at a South Carolina university, college, or institution, and may cover tuition or other educational expenses like on-campus housing, a computer, or textbooks.

Recipients must retain a 3.0 GPA on a 4.0 scale and enroll in no less than 30 credit hours each academic year to receive funding each year.

How do I get more information?


South Carolina Scholarships: Unigo

South Carolina Scholarships from the Unigo website:

Cobb County Farm Bureau Scholarship, Deadline March 21, 2014

Seniors interested in pursuing a two to four year degree in an area related to Agriculture, Foresty, or Family/Consumer Sciences are encouraged to apply for the Cobb County Farm Bureau Scholarship.   $10,000 in scholarships will be given out.  Students must plan to attend college in the state of Georgia to be considered.   A link to the application can be found below:

Nu Psi Sigma Chapter of Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc., 2014 Scholarship for Young Men, Deadline 3/24/14

Scholarship Criteria:

  • Must be a male senior at a Georgia high school
  • Must provide a letter of intent (not to exceed two pages in length) including the following: personal introduction, professional aspirations, and a detailed description of how this scholarship will impact your future endeavors
  • Include an electronic 5×7 photograph
  • Provide two (2) teacher recommendation letters (must be emailed directly by the teachers to
  • Must be enrolled in a traditional four-year college/university by the fall of 2014
Submission Guidelines:
  • Attach application, letter of intent, photographs, and recommendation letters separately to one (1) email.
  • All application documents should be submitted no later than Monday March 24, 2014.

A copy of the application is attached:
