The Hispanic Scholarship Fund is the nation’s largest not-for-profit organization supporting Hispanic higher education. Founded in 1975, HSF provides American families with the financial and educational resources they need to achieve a college education and help America remain competitive globally.

Our mission is to increase the number of Hispanic college graduates by providing scholarships and assistance to students and their families. We envision a future when every Hispanic household benefits from someone in the family with a college degree – creating an enduring impact for generations to come.

The National College Gap

The country needs more college graduates in order fill the job demands of the future and become #1 in educational attainment worldwide. However, for every 100 elementary school students, only 21 graduate from college.

Within the Latino population, only 11 out of 100 students graduate from college. Overall, only 13% of Latinos have a 4-year college degree.

See why HSF believes Latino higher education is  a national priority, and how we are making lasting impacts with our Generation 1st Degree initiative.