New College Scholarships

The Jack Kent Cooke Foundation College Scholarship will be available for top high school juniors interested in attending the nation’s top colleges. Students will be selected in late spring of their junior year and, in addition to a last dollar scholarship, will have access to college planning support and the opportunity to network with the larger JKCF Scholar community.

Applicants will need to achieve the following to qualify:

  • High academic achievement (GPA of 3.7 or above and / or combined standardized test scores in the top 10%) OR exceptional achievement in the arts (music, dance, performing or visual arts and a minimum GPA of 3.2);
  • Demonstrated will to succeed;
  • Demonstrated leadership or entrepreneurship;
  • Financial need.

Applications will be available online late fall, 2012.

Undergraduate Transfer Scholarships

The Jack Kent Cooke Foundation’s Undergraduate Transfer Scholarship honors excellence by supporting outstanding community college students with financial need to transfer to and complete their bachelor’s degrees at the nation’s top four-year colleges and universities.

The Jack Kent Cooke Foundation’s Undergraduate Transfer Scholarship makes it possible for the nation’s top community college students to complete their bachelor’s degrees by transferring to a four-year college or university. The Foundation provides up to $30,000 per year to each of approximately 50 deserving students selected annually, making it the largest private scholarship for two-year and community college transfer students in the country.

Each award is intended to cover a significant share of the student’s educational expenses – including tuition, living expenses, books and required fees – for the final two to three years necessary to achieve a bachelor’s degree. Awards vary by individual, based on the cost of tuition as well as other grants or scholarships he or she may receive.

To be eligible for the program, students must be nominated by the Jack Kent Cooke Foundation Faculty Representative at their two-year institution. Students cannot apply directly to the Foundation. Each two-year college may nominate up to four students (depending upon institution enrollment) each year to be considered for the scholarship.


A review panel of distinguished university faculty and admissions professionals judge the nominees using criteria including academic achievement and critical thinking ability, financial need, will to succeed, and breadth of interest and activities.


Through our annual Undergraduate Transfer Scholarship Program, we provide scholarships worth up to $30,000 per year to community college students & recent alumni to help them earn a four-year degree.

Graduate Scholarships

The Jack Kent Cooke Foundation has an ongoing commitment to support graduate students making extraordinary contributions to their fields of study and recognizes the importance of providing assistance to those striving for excellence. We are proud to announce two new graduate funding opportunities: the Graduate Arts Award and the Jack Kent Cooke Dissertation Fellowship.

The Foundation’s Graduate Arts Award is for up to $50,000 per year for up to three years to college seniors and recent graduates with significant financial need who will pursue a graduate or professional degree in the visual arts, performing arts, or creative writing. To be eligible, candidates must be nominated by the faculty representative at their undergraduate institution.

The Foundation’s Dissertation Fellowship is for up to $25,000 for advanced doctoral students who are completing dissertations that further understanding of the educational pathways and experiences of high-achieving, low-income students. Minimum eligibility includes demonstration of superior academic ability and achievement, successful defense of the dissertation proposal, and unmet financial need.

The Foundation’s Graduate Scholarships are offered to students who receive undergraduate scholarships from the Foundation.

Young Scholars Program

The Jack Kent Cooke Foundation’s Young Scholars Program was founded on the idea that if you give high-achieving students with financial need the guidance and resources necessary for them to excel during high school, college, and beyond, their greatness will emerge.

The Foundation’s Young Scholars Program is designed to nurture exceptional students who have demonstrated, through academic excellence and extracurricular activities, that they have the potential to excel. Students apply for the program in 7th grade, enter the program in 8th grade, and continue through high school.

The Young Scholars Program provides the most personalized, generous scholarship experience in the nation. The Foundation works closely with Scholars and their families to construct a tailored educational program that includes, but is not limited to, support for summer programs, distance learning courses, and music and art instruction. Some Young Scholars attend a private school if none of their public school options adequately serve their academic potential; however, many stay in their public schools.

Each year, more than 1,000 high-achieving 7th graders nationwide apply for the Young Scholars Program. Approximately 60 students are selected each year. All Young Scholars have demonstrated excellence in academic endeavors and extracurricular activities, a strong will to succeed, and financial need. For Young Scholars entering the program, the average family income is approximately $25,000, and more than 90 percent have incomes under $60,000.