Newsletter: April 1, 2021
Mychal Wynn (Northeastern ’79)
Thank you Panelists
We hosted 3 panels for our 11th and 12th grade students. Appearing on our panel to provide insight into the liberal arts college experience were Kimberly Hadaway (Williams College), Sydney Starks (Bowdoin College), and Whitney Williams (Spelman College). Appearing on our panel to provide insight into the research university experience were Damian Lee (Northeastern University), Peyton Wilson (George Washington University), Robert Penn (George Mason University), and Sydney Soskin (University of Chicago). Appearing on our panel to provide insight into the HBCU experience were Justin Matthews (Dillard University), Sydney Barron (North Carolina Central University), and Whitney Williams (Spelman College). The rich and profound insight provided by our panelists was well received by our high school juniors and seniors, and their parents. As our high school juniors finalize their college lists and high school seniors finalize their May 1 enrollment decisions, our panelists were great ambassadors for their respective institutions. They provided insight into how they made their college decision and how they have maximized opportunities at their respective institutions, including co-ops, internships, engaging in research, publishing papers, being awarded thousands of dollars in scholarships, and avoiding thousands of dollars in room and board costs by becoming Resident Assistants. If you did not attend the session, you missed a great opportunity. Grades 9 – 10The April Module provides guidance in researching such programs as QuestBridge, which partners with some of the country’s most selective colleges and universities in their College Match Program and the Gates Scholarship (formerly the Gates Millennium Scholarship), which provides a “last dollar” scholarship to close the financial aid gap for 300 students each year at any accredited U.S. college or university. The module provides guidance in researching institutional and private scholarship programs with the goal of sensitizing students to the “body of work” they must develop to become competitive candidates for such programs. The units profile cohort students who were selected for many of the programs profiled. High School JuniorsThe March Module guided students through the many actions they must take over the coming months to maximize scholarship opportunities and minimize student loan debt. The April Module will guide students in developing their college application and scholarship plans. The importance of taking these next steps in developing a college and scholarship strategy was clearly articulated by our college students, and our high school senior who reflected on the results of their college and scholarship action plans. Our May newsletter will share enrollment decisions and scholarship awards, which include such colleges and scholarship programs as:
High School SeniorsHistorically, May 1 has marked the enrollment decision deadline for most colleges and universities. However, with the many disruptions to normalcy as a result of the pandemic, many colleges are allowing students more time to finalize their decision. Consequently, students must not only carefully review financial aid awards, but must review each college’s published plans for the fall. Will colleges be offering in-person learning? Will freshmen be coming to campus and checking into dormitories? Will students be required to have a COVID-19 vaccination? To assist students in more deeply understanding the array of college options and scholarship opportunities currently being researched, cohort alumni, currently attending college, will share their experiences in this month’s senior discussion groups. Boot Camp ScheduleRegistration is now opened for our college planning boot camps for middle school (grades 7 – 8), high school (grades 9 – 11), and rising high school seniors. June 7 – 10 (9:00 am – 1:00 pm): 4-day all-virtual boot camp for high school seniors. Click here to register… June 14 – 18 (8:30 am – 2:30 pm): 5-day in-person boot camp for McKinney-Vento Students in Judson ISD (TX). Contact Sylvia Greenwood ( Limited to 40 students. June 21 – 25 (8:30 am – 2:30 pm): 5-day in-person boot camp for Military Connected Students in Judson ISD (TX). Contact Sylvia Greenwood ( Limited to 40 students. July 12 – 15 (9:00 am – 1:00 pm): 4-day all-virtual boot camp for high school students in grades 9 – 11. Click here to register… July 19 – 22 (9:00 am – 1:00 pm): 4-day all-virtual boot camp for middle school students in grades 7 – 8. Click here to register… Senior Registration is Now OpenHigh school seniors may now register for our 2021-22 High School Senior Classroom. Registered students will continue into our June 7 – 10 high school senior boot camp where they will finalize college application and scholarship plans and continue in our June, July, and August monthly sessions to finalize college application strategies, essays, and select their college admission cycles. New students: click here to register…; Returning students: click here to register… (Note: Registration fees for Pinellas County Schools and Florence School District 3 students are paid for by the school district. ) We are introducing a 4-part Essay Writing Workshop series, developed and presented by Mychal-David Wynn, a certified college counselor and graduate of Amherst College (BA English). The sessions are not part of our normal program and require a separate registration. The 4-part series will be presented from 9:00 am – Noon, during each Saturday in June (5, 12, 19, and 26). The 4-part series will be repeated in July (10, 17, 24, and 31). The goal is for participating students to emerge from the sessions with a Common Application Essay, supplemental essay, or scholarship essay. Topics will cover:
Participating students will have their essays fully reviewed and edited. Registration will open on May 1. Space is limited. Email to reserve your space. April Meeting ScheduleMonthly Meeting Schedule: The second Saturday of each month. Florence School District 3 April Sessions (5:00 pm – 6:30 pm): (Click here to register; Meeting ID 894 9627 2665). Tuesday/Thursday; April 2 – 29. April 10, 2021 (9:00 am – 11:00 am): 9th and 10th Grades (Click here to register; Meeting ID: 838 2462 4377). Students will present their March final presentations in their Discussion Group. April 10, 2021 (10:00 am – 12:30 pm): 11th and 12th Grades (Click here to register; Meeting ID: 843 9332 9122). Juniors will present their March presentations in their Discussion Group. Seniors and parents will engage in a conversation about award letters, comparing college costs, and finalizing college choice. Join a CohortOur outcomes speak for themselves: Over $100 million in scholarships, including students being offered admission to the most selective colleges and being selected as Cheatham-White Scholars; Dowdy Scholars; Elon Odyssey Scholars; Gates Scholars; MC Lyte Hip Hop Sisters Scholar; QuestBridge Scholars; Rhodes Scholars; Richmond Scholars; Ron Brown Scholars; Templeton Scholars; Torch Scholars; and UChicago Odyssey Scholars. ASA Guide Kappa League Mentoring Program: Contact Doug Lucas: Atlanta-area and National Cohort: Contact Mychal-David Wynn: Pinellas County Schools: Contact Dr. Lewis Brinson, Minority Achievement Officer: Florence County School District 3: Contact Ms. Kendra Wilson, Guidance Counselor: Click here to learn more about our cohorts and other programs… |
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