September 1, 2019
Mychal Wynn (Northeastern ’79)

Welcome to our 2019/20 College Planning Cohort Program!

We had a great information session with students and parents from our partnership with the Alpharetta-Smyrna Alumni Chapter of the Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Inc., ASA Guide Right Program (pictured below with Doug Lucas, ASA Guide Right Cohort Director). We were excited to introduce the many changes to our program and examples of the great student outcomes we can achieve through a strong collaboration. We are also grateful to Eric Nelums, a member of Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Inc., and Turner Chapel AME Church, who has agreed to photograph and videotape our Atlanta-area Cohort meetings to assist us in developing a Cohort Facilitator Training Curriculum.

High School Seniors

We are excited to extend our support of high school seniors with our 2019/20 High School Senior Online Activities, providing comprehensive guidance through the college admissions, financial aid, and enrollment processes. After each registered senior completes the pre-registration activities on our New Student webpage, we will provide students with a College Planning Assessment and Recommendation Action Plan.

High School Students in Grades 9 – 11

What are your college/career aspirations? What are your family’s financial needs? Answering these questions is at the heart of our 2019/20 College Planning Program for high school students in grades 9 – 11. The activities and monthly round table discussions will be focused on developing the strongest possible, “Body of Work.” Students will be guided in grade level appropriate conversations (9th-10th and 11th Grade) into a deeper understanding of the importance of pursuing, “Exceptionality” in their gifts, talents, and academic focus as they are guided in aligning their classes, grades, test scores, activities, leadership, and service with their college aspirations, and family’s financial needs. High school juniors will receive a College Planning Assessment and Recommendation Action Plan at the end of the first semester.

Guiding Questions

At the core of our 2019/20 College Planning Program are ‘Guiding Questions’—questions which provide a context for round table discussions at our meetings and conversations between students and parents at home. Activities will be introduced 6 weeks in advance to allow students time to prepare for our monthly meetings. Atlanta-area Cohort students who complete all activities, attend all meetings, and submit a year-end action plan will receive a 2020 Cohort Kente Cloth in recognition of their participation in our program.


Students will be receiving books and materials from their cohort facilitators. Students in our Atlanta-area cohort will receive their books, binders, t-shirts, and backpacks at our September meeting. All students will be working from the text, “A High School Plan for Students with College-Bound Dreams: Third Edition.” High school seniors will also be receiving the text, “Show Me the Money: A Comprehensive Guide to Scholarships, Financial Aid, and Making the Right College Choice” later during the first semester.

New Student Pre-registration Activities

All newly registered and returning students must complete the 3 pre-registration activities on our New Student webpage. Students must submit fully completed profile forms and résumés prior to being issued login credentials.

September Activities for Grades 9 – 11

After receiving your username and password, log in to the 2019/20 9th-11th Grade Classroom and complete all of the units in ‘Module 1: Welcome.’ Be prepared to discuss your response to the question, “Why Am I Here?” at the September meeting.

October Activities for Grades 9 – 11

Complete ‘Module 2: Setting Goals Within a College Context’ and be prepared to discuss your answers to the Guiding Questions at the October meeting.

Get Your Questions Answered

As our program expands, we rely on cohort facilitators from our partners to respond to student questions during monthly meetings and in their round table discussions. However, questions may be submitted to us under the following guidelines:

  • Questions should be emailed, by registered students, to
  • The subject line should identify the online class, module, and unit: “Question: 9-10 Grade: Module 1: Unit 2.”
  • The body of the email should contain your question: “I do not fully understand the differences between AP and dual enrollment classes.”
  • The email must contain the student’s email signature.
  • Students in grades 9 – 11: Questions must pertain to currently assigned units.
  • Seniors: Questions may pertain to any module or unit.
  • Questions must be submitted by the 21st of the month.
  • We will respond by the last day of the month to the entire classroom.

For example, if a student in our 9th-10th grade program, raises a question, we will summarize our responses to all questions presented by students in our 9th-10th program during September and send an email to all registered 9th-10th graders by the final day of September.

High School Seniors

Complete the the New Student pre-registration activities so that you may receive your login credentials. There is much work to be done!

Important Dates and Deadlines

Fly-in Opportunities

For those seniors who do not know the impact that being invited to a Fly-in/Diversity Weekend can have on their college admission chances, or for those cohort students who forgot what they learned in the ‘Fly-in/Diversity Weekends’ lesson as a junior, the following Fly-in opportunities are still open:

Congratulations to Sydney, a high school senior from our Guilford County Schools Cohort, who has been invited to the Fly-in Programs at Bowdoin at Williams. Sydney has embraced our program since entering high school, been intentional in pursuing her goals, and has developed an extraordinary body of work, including a #1 Class Ranking. We are confident that we will be reporting Sydney’s extraordinary college options in April, 2020.


Last month, we reported that Nina Shack from our 2019 Turner Chapel AME Church Cohort, was a participant in the Tuskegee Next Aviation Program. We are pleased to congratulate Nina on receiving her private pilot’s license and drone certification (pictured in the first roll, 4th from right! See the Good Morning America interview. 


Aleah, from our 2018 Guilford County Schools Cohort has checked in, “I am happy to report that I have been admitted to the third cohort of GAP students at Winston-Salem State’s upper division of nursing.”

Darius, from our 2018 Guilford County Schools Cohort has checked in, “Hello Mrs. Wynn, I wanted to share my first East Carolina bulletin of the year as an RA. Remember our conversations about strategies to avoid student loan debt? Well, I have followed your advice and become an RA! In addition to my state scholarship, I now have my meal plan and housing paid for. Now I don’t have to take out loans or pay out of pocket. Thank you so much for the continuous support and I will keep you updated.”

Morgan, from our 2017 Turner Chapel AME Cohort has checked in, “Hello Mrs. Wynn, I’m still loving Pitt and excited to go back! My major is Economics and my minor is Administration of Justice and I plan to attend law school as soon as I graduate. If I don’t attend law school I’m going to get my Master’s in Economics and branch off from there. I’m also thinking about studying abroad this Spring in Madrid, Spain since I am still taking Spanish classes. Last year I joined the Ultimate Frisbee team, so I get to travel to other states and play against other college teams. On top of that I’m in other clubs which allows me to keep up socially!”

Peyton, from our 2018 Turner Chapel AME Cohort has earned her way into a full scholarship! Peyton, a Posse Scholar (full tuition), has been selected as a George Washington University Resident Adviser (room and board). Peyton is actively involved at George Washington and invites you to read her blog, Words by Peyton.

Summer, from our 2018 Turner Chapel AME Cohort has checked in, “I am absolutely in love with UGA…however, I have switched from Genetics Pre-Med to Genetics Pre-Dental…completing a dental internship this summer has really shown me that dentistry is my passion. Freshman year, I involved myself in a variety of orgs including the Black Affairs Council (I was on the freshman advisory board), minority science student association, and girls in healthcare…this upcoming year I am the programming chair of the Black Affairs Council and Co-Secretary of Girls in Healthcare. Freshman year I also had the chance to go on a mission trip and I plan on engaging in this opportunity annually.”

Congratulations to Turner Chapel AME Cohort student, Nalah Tann-Wilson, who received the Les Dames d’Escoffier Scholarship, valued at $31,493. Nalah will be attending Johnson and Wales University where she will be pursuing a degree in Baking and Pastry Arts.

Mark Your Calendar

Sunday, September 1, 2019: Turner Chapel AME Church deadline for submitting report cards. Full year report cards required for consideration for 2019 Marcus Awards.

Sunday, September 1, 2019: Mr. and Mrs. Wynn will speak to students and parents at the United Ghana Christian Church Cohort at 10:30 am. 

Sunday, September 8, 2019: Atlanta-area Cohort kickoff meeting for grades 9 – 11 will provide an overview of changes to our 2019/20 program; round table discussions with high school seniors; and a meet and greet opportunity for students and parents in grades 9 – 11. TCC ‘The Next Episode’ Ministry Leaders, Charles and Lora Williams, will lead our round table discussions for grades 9 – 11. Mr. and Mrs. Wynn will lead the round table discussions with seniors and their parents. All registered students will receive their books, backpacks, binders, and t-shirts. Please bring copies of your high school transcripts and SAT/ACT Score Reports. Turner Chapel AME Church, Room 187 (11:30 am – 12:45 pm). Atlanta-area cohort juniors and seniors are invited to attend The Next Episode, a teen Bible Study and College Planning Session, from 9:30 am – 11:30 am in the Boardroom.

Sunday, September 8, 2019: Crossroads for Teens kickoff meeting. Johnson Ferry Baptist Church (3:00 pm – 4:30 pm).

Saturday, September 14, 2019: ASA Guide Right Cohort will meet at Fortis College (9:00 am).

Friday, September 20, 2019: Florence County School District 3 Cohort meeting in the Lake City High School College Corner throughout the day (8:30 am – 4:00 pm).

Saturday, September 21, 2019: Guilford County School: Seniors (9:00 am – Noon); Juniors (Noon – 3:00 pm). Parents should plan to attend. Bring copies of students’ transcripts and SAT/ACT Score Reports. GTCC Greensboro Campus

Sunday, September 22, 2019: Turner Chapel AME Church Academic Celebration.

Saturday, September 28, 2019: ASA Guide Right Cohort will meet at Fortis College (9:00 am).

Saturday, October 26, 2019: 10th Annual FREE Turner Chapel AME Church College Fair will host over 50 colleges, community organizations, fraternities, sororities, and workshops. (Noon – 3:00 pm). Mychal Wynn will present a Pre-college Fair Workshop from 10:30 am – Noon on issues raised in, “Show Me the Money: Scholarships, Financial Aid, and Making the Right College Choice.”

Join a Cohort: Register Now

Our online registration is only open to students interested in joining our Atlanta-area Cohort or working independently through our online classroom. Students participating in a school district or community partner should register with their program facilitator.

New Students who will be joining our Atlanta-area Cohort or participating in our online program, can register at the following links:

To pay your registration in two installments, contact our office: ph: 678.395.5825 or email:

Click here to register for returning students (who participated in our 2018/19 cohort).

Click here to learn more about our cohorts and other programs…