Our Commitment

As part of our commitment to diversity and intercultural understanding, Pitzer College hosts a fall diversity preview program in early November and a spring diversity program for accepted students in April. This program is designed specifically for students from underrepresented racial, cultural, and socioeconomic backgrounds from across the continental United States.

Meet Us

The program will give you an opportunity to experience the distinct atmosphere that sets Pitzer College apart from other colleges while interacting with current students, faculty, staff and other high school seniors considering Pitzer.


The Diversity Program is an all-inclusive, all-expense-paid program for which round-trip transportation (air, train, bus, gas/mileage reimbursement) will be covered. Attendees will be hosted by current students in the residence halls and will dine on campus throughout the three-day weekend.


The deadline to be considered for the Spring Diversity Program has now passed. Thank you for your interest.

Tim Campos
Senior Admission Counselor
Pitzer College