Beyond Sports – A Student-Athlete’s Game Plan
Beyond Sports – A Student-Athlete’s Game Plan
ISBN: 978-1-880463-27-7
Publication: 2025
5.5 x 8.5, 96 Pages | $12.95
Note: This book set is currently available for pre-order
The National Federation of State High School Associations (NFSHSA) reports that there are over 8 million high school athletes.
The NCAA reports that there are 520,000 student-athletes across NCAA Divisions I, II, and III.
Whether or not you are among the .5 million high school athletes who are able to compete in college or among the 7.5 million high school athletes who will not make an NCAA roster, you will need a game plan for life beyond sports.
With the right game plan, you do not have to be a recruited athlete to leverage your sports participation into a full college scholarship and continue pursuing your passion for sports into college as you prepare to pursue a career beyond sports.
There are opportunities for non-athletic scholarships and there are opportunities to walk on to a college team, play club sports, and play intramural sports.
Having a game plan does not mean giving up on your dreams of playing college or professional sports. Having a game plan means expanding your college, scholarship, and career opportunities.
Beyond Sports is a must read for every high school athlete and those who are supporting athletes.