Career or College Pathway – Individual Graduation Plan


ISBN: 978-1-880463-73-4
Publication: 2024
8.5 x 11, 96 Pages | $19.95




Developing an Individual Graduation Plan supports the guidance provided in “How to Plan Your Career or College Pathway.” The question, “What are your dreams and aspirations after high school?” is an important consideration when choosing a career or college pathway. As a middle school or high school student, you may not yet understand enough about your gifts, talents, interests, personality, or temperament to answer this question. Whether you can confidently answer the question or require more time, the day after high school will arrive. Considering this question can assist in guiding conversations with your parents or counselor when, as a middle school or high school student, you are considering a career or college pathway. Giving thought to the career or college pathway that you want to follow after high school could have an impact on your middle school course taking, both in your core and elective classes, which would determine your academic starting point in high school. Considering this question as you enter high school should guide your actions throughout high school across the areas of academics, leadership, employment, internships, and extracurricular activities. In essence, many of the choices that you make on a day-to-day basis from the time that you enter middle school throughout your high school experience should be “aligned” with your dreams and aspirations after high school. 

Planning a career or college pathway will have long-term implications for many years after graduating from high school. The classes that you take during high school and level of education that you choose to pursue after high school will have a direct impact on your earning potential. 

Contains tables, occupational data, salary data, and complete forms to plan a career or college trajectory from 6th grade through 12th grade.

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