Career or College Pathway – Study Skills & Learning Strategies


ISBN: 978-1-880463-78-9
Publication: 2024
8.5 x 11, 128 Pages | $19.95

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Who This Book is For

Whatever career or college pathway you choose, you must study as part of the learning process. However, “studying” and “learning” are different. Yet, doing both well is essential to whatever your chosen career or college pathway.

What is Studying?

Studying means “to read, memorize facts, attend school, etc., as part of the process of engaging in intentional efforts to acquire knowledge.”

What is Learning?

Learning means “to develop the ability to recall information from memory and apply to new situations.”

Whether you aspire to become an auto mechanic or a heart surgeon, both careers require that you develop successful study routines and learning strategies. The same is true of whether you plan to enter the workforce, enlist in the military, or attend college after high school. This book can help you to develop a planned approach to studying that will help you to become a better learner.

The following advice, provided in “How to Choose a College or Career Pathway,” applies to this book:

The students who will benefit most from this book are students who either have aspirations for the future, or want to identify the type of career pathways in which they can earn a living and enjoy the work. If you are such a student, but find the reading difficult, then read a few pages at a time and begin with the chapters that reflect your aspirations the most. 

[How to Choose a College or Career Pathway, p. xii]

There are over 70 links to videos providing further guidance in how to implement these skills and strategies, and why they work. Whether you read about the strategies or view videos about the strategies, choose the routines and strategies that you believe will work best for you and begin experimenting. Whether your goal is to become a better student in a class, achieve a higher SAT, ACT or ASVAB score, learn how to repair an engine or fly a drone, studying and learning are essential to successfully achieving your goals.

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