Follow Your Dreams: Lessons That I Learned in School


ISBN: 978-1880463-51-2
Publication Date: 2000
5 x 7, 224 pages | $7.95

SKU: ISBN: 97818880463512 Categories: ,


Mychal Wynn’s autobiographical account of being born into poverty in rural Alabama, given up for adoption, and growing up on the unforgiving streets of Chicago’s south side urban ghetto. He shares the voices of encouragement, beginning with his parents, neither of whom graduated from high school, and his kindergarten teacher who said that he was too smart not to go to college. This inspiring story provides inspiration for teachers who doubt that children of poverty can become high achievers, for students who question whether they can rise above their circumstances to live their dreams, and for those who doubt the potential of hard work and persistence to unlock doors and open windows of opportunity.

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