Who I Am: Vol II


ISBN: 978-1880463-86-4
Publication: 2023
5.25 x 7.25, 160 pages | $12.95


Personality, Temperament, Mindset, and Grit

How to Avoid and Resolve Conflict

Volume II of the Who I Am series guides students through expanding their understanding of personality type, temperament, mindset, and grit; and how these impact each student’s success in school and provides strategies for avoiding or resolving conflict. Each chapter ends with the affirmation, “What has become clearer to me.”

Explores these important topics and provides narrative responses of middle school and high school students participating in our national college planning cohort program provide examples of the pensive self-reflection of students as they expand their understanding of Who I Am within the context of personality, temperament, mindset, and grit. Collectively, a deep understanding of these topics provides greater insight into the stressors caused by others and the stressors that we may cause others. The book provides guidance in avoiding or resolving conflict.

 This book is reflective of Mr. Wynn’s holistic approach to teaching and learning. Students are encouraged to envision their futures through their “My Story” narrative. What can be more common sense than making what we are teaching relevant to students’ needs today and their aspirations for the future? This is not conjecture, the evidence of the validity of this approach is reflected in the thinking and writings of students shared throughout the book. Students are processing the impact of their personality, temperament, mindset, and grit in the pursuit of their near-term and long-term goals. Mr. Wynn understands that whether you are a college professor or a K — 12 teacher, inspiration should be interwoven into pedagogy. He believes, and I concur, that students should have a sense of who they are and what they aspire to achieve in their futures. Within such a context, as students develop a greater understanding of the stressors to their personality, temperament, and mindset, they can turn to their own grit in committing to the strategies required to avoid and resolve conflict. Equally important is a student’s self-awareness of the stressors that he or she presents to others so that robust classroom discussions may occur without devolving into screaming or personal attacks.

Karen McCord, Psy.D.
Professor of Psychology (retired)
Solano College
Solano, California

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