Who I Am: Vol IV


ISBN: 978-1880463-88-8
Publication: 2023
5.25 x 7.25, 160 pages | $12.95


My Goals

Volume IV of the Who I Am series guides students in using what they have learned about their personality type, intelligences, temperament, mindset, and grit to set school-year goals in a manner consistent with their long-term college or career aspirations. Provides sample résumés of students who have been intentional in pursuing goals in academics, leadership, community service, and honors and awards. Each chapter ends with the affirmation, “What has become clearer to me.”

Provides guidance in developing school-year goals in a manner consistent with your educational and career aspirations for the future. The book also includes narrative responses of middle school and high school students participating in our national college planning cohort program who provide examples of the pensive self-reflection of students as they expand their understanding of Who I Am within the context of becoming setting school-year goals across the areas of academics, leadership, community service, and honors and awards to make themselves competitive college, scholarship, or job applicants.

I have gone through the units and completed the narratives through the on-line curriculum for many years and I’m quite familiar with the information and topics presented in this book and the other books in the series. My understanding of these topics has made me a great student and a better person. The on-line curriculum that Mr. Wynn created, allows students to complete modules through which they are guided in writing narratives, developing a personal profile, building a résumé, and creating a college planning document. Not only does this differ from a standard assignment or a normal class, but it teaches students time management skills and personal responsibility. It’s meant to provide students with enough time to explore the topics and understand the information on a deeper level. This book gives students a similar feel in terms of the freedom to explore while also providing essential information. I’ve used the information being presented in this book to set goals and have developed tremendous insight into my approach to school and life. The student I am today is because of the support from Mr. and Mrs. Wynn and the knowledge that I have gained from the College Planning Cohort. In hopes that you may gain the same insight that I have from this information, this book can provide the knowledge, skills, and information that could change the course of your educational future.

Jocelyne Lioe
St. Petersburg High School Class of 2025
International Baccalaureate Diploma Candidate

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