What We Believe

We believe in cultivating ‘Conversational Communities’ guided by conversations that are research-based, research-responsive, and strategy-focused. Parents are provided with the tools, strategies, and materials to be effective in raising their child at home and nurturing the school success of their. Parents are able to refer to the text, “Ten Steps to Helping Your Child in School’ for continued reinforcement and ongoing strategies.

What We Do

Our trainings are designed to provide parents with practical hands-on, and commonsense strategies in such areas as:

  • Gifts and talents
  • Working with teachers
  • Identifying the right programs
  • Supporting at-home learning
  • Increasing school success
  • The differences in raising boys

What We Achieve

Mr. Wynn is a parent’s parent. He shares frank, commonsense strategies that can help any parent in any situation—strategies that are focused on changing outcomes. The videos on this page provide examples of how Mr. Wynn engages parents and the authentic nature of his conversation, in large part based on his text, “Ten Steps to Helping Your Child Succeed in School.”

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