What We Believe

We believe that one-time motivational assemblies have limited success, at best. Good instructional pedagogy suggests that pre-engagement surrounding Mr. Wynn’s visit, engagement with Mr. Wynn in multiple settings (i.e., assemblies, classroom visits, lunch, book signing, and small group conversations), a staff development with teachers addressing issues unique to the school, a parent meeting in which students and parents are both present, and post-activities in which students write self-reflective narratives in which they respond to the prompt, “What has become clearer to me?”

Mr. Wynn’s How to Plan Your Career or College Pathway  provides an important context for engaging in conversations with students. We believe that cultivating ‘Conversational Communities’ with students is possible anywhere and has the potential to cultivate transformational change.

What We Do

Mr. Wynn has taught and presented to students in k-12, alternative schools, colleges, and juvenile court schools. His instructional strategies of using differentiated instruction, comprised of conversations, videos, self-reflective narratives, setting goals, and authentic conversations about students’ dreams and aspirations is compelling, engaging, and in many cases, unbelievable. Student presentations can occur:

  • In assemblies
  • Classroom conversations
  • Boardroom or cafeteria conversations
  • College Planning Boot Camps
  • College Planning Cohorts
  • Book Clubs

What We Achieve

We have successfully engaged, inspired, and affirmed the potential in thousands of students nationally through assemblies, conference presentations, small group discussions, and hands-on engagement over the course of an entire school year. In his role as Education Ministry at the the Turner Chapel AME Church, Mr. Wynn has engaged students from elementary school through college enrollment and the outcome data is indisputable—Gates Millennium Scholars, Posse Foundation Scholars, admission into America’s most selective colleges and universities, and praise reports each day.

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