South Carolina Scholarships: Teaching
Winthrop University scholarships
Must be a student at Winthrop University; requirements vary by scholarship.
SCCTM Educator’s Scholarship
Must be a teacher pursuing an advanced degree in mathematics, math education, or elementary education with math emphasis; member of South Carolina’s Council of Teachers of Mathematics for previous two years; have a valid SC teaching certificate; currently employed by a SC school; completed two years or more teaching mathematics in SC; accepted into graduate program.
SCCTM Preservice Scholarship
Must be enrolled in student teaching at a South Carolina college or university within one academic year of application; committed to teaching mathematics in South Carolina for grades PK-12; have 3.0 cumulative GPA and 3.0 GPA in math courses with at least 12 semester hours of math taken.
Florence Nelson Scholarship
College seniors or fifth-year preservice students who are members of the South Carolina Council of the International Reading Association; must be enrolled in a South Carolina college majoring in education.
Mary A. Kelly Scholarship
Graduate students who are members of the International Reading Association and the South Carolina State Council of the International Reading Association; must enroll in a South Carolina college education degree program; minimum of two years experience teaching in a classroom and one year participating in local council activities.
SCIRA Student Scholarship
Graduating high school senior; resident of South Carolina; plan to pursue a degree in education from a South Carolina college; son or daughter of a current member of the South Carolina International Reading Association.
South Carolina Teacher Loans
Must be a resident of South Carolina; education major; must meet academic requirements; loan forgiveness offered for those who teach in a public South Carolina school after graduation.
CERRA Teaching Fellows Program
High school senior in South Carolina; commitment to teach in South Carolina one year for every year the scholarship is received.
T.E.A.C.H. Early Childhood South Carolina Scholarships
Must work at a licensed/registered child care facility; must meet requirements for weekly hours worked for desired type of scholarship; must meet pay requirements.
Must be enrolled in a TEACH-Grant-eligible program; intend to teach in elementary or secondary school that serves students from low-income families; meet certain academic requirements; meet basic eligibility criteria for the federal student aid programs; complete the FAFSA; available nationwide.